Karina Milei vs Marra. The head of the libertarian bloc was displaced in the LegislatureBy Matías Moreno

by times news cr

Ramiro Marraone of the historical references of La Libertad Avanza, the party platform that led to Javier Miley to the top of power, will leave his position as head of the block of Buenos Aires legislators of the strength. Marra, a friend of the President and one of the main media defenders of the economic course of the ruling party, surprisingly leaves his position in the Buenos Aires Legislature and will arrive at the Casa Rosada as a presidential advisor on a new economic Council. The position would be ad honorem and he would continue as a legislator.

Marra, who was at Balcarce 50 today and passed through the Olivos farm yesterday, was replaced as block head by an extremely trusted legislator from the influential Karina Milei, Secretary General of the Presidency and sister of the head of State. It’s about the lawyer Maria del Pilar Ramirezwho obtained the support of six of the nine members of the LLA bench to relieve Marra, escorted by Eugenio Casiellesof driving.

The displacement of Marra, who joined Milei’s small table until she was targeted by Karina“The Boss”, is the corollary of the tense fight that was unleashed in recent days within the bloc due to the distribution of lockers in the commissions.

The dispute between the Marra-Casielles axis and the sector that responds to Karina Milei had been hindering the formation of the legislative bodies. The vice-chief of Buenos Aires, Clara Muzzioy Matias Lopezvice-first of the Legislature, had already agreed with the rest of the block holders on the distribution of the places. One of the most coveted positions is that of Urban Planning, whose reins would remain in the hands of the libertarians.

Yesterday afternoon, Muzzio and López, a leader close to Diego Santillireceived a formal notification from the LLA block in the Legislature to communicate that Pilar Ramírez had been elected as the new head of the block with the vote of six of the nine members of the force: Edgardo Alifraco, Rebeca Fleitas, Lucía Montenegro, Pilar Ramírez, Sandra Rey and Leonardo Saifert. While, Marra, Casielles and Jorge Reta were not issued.

Marra celebrates the electoral victory of Javier Milei Anibal Greco

The play executed by the group referenced in Karina Milei made the tension escalate to the highest level. “It’s crazy”roar in the camp of Marra and Casielles. Until now, the former candidate for Buenos Aires boss, who last year ranked third behind Jorge Macri (JxC) y Leandro Santoro (Union for the Homeland) with the 13.89% of the voteschose to maintain a prudent silence while awaiting definitions. In Macrismo they looked expectant: Will Marra and Casielles break the libertarian bloc or not after Karina Milei’s rudeness?

However, Marra will be appointed by President Milei as an advisor to a new Economic Council.

Given the new political mosaic in the Legislature, Jorge Macri must strike a balance to ensure governability. Knowing that the Pro does not have a comfortable majority, its creators know that they will have to put together a puzzle when promoting projects. For this reason, as soon as he took office, the Buenos Aires boss closed a pact with the radicals of Martin Lousteau and Daniel Angelici to maintain the the state in which of Pro alliances on campus. Thus, he preserved the parliamentary coalition with the UCR, the Civic Coalition, Public Confidence, United Republicans and the Socialist Party, the partners with whom Horacio Rodríguez Larreta managed, and postponed the chance to explore an agreement with Marra and Casielles.

Faced with this attitude, the two Buenos Aires leaders of the LLA expressed their anger at Jorge Macri at the end of December, when they opposed the law on ministries, the budget and the appointments in the Judicial Council. And, upset by the lack of openness of Larreta’s successor, they threatened to seduce the bullrichismo troop in the Legislature to complicate Pro.

Javier Milei, along with his sister Karina and Ramiro Marra, celebrate the victory in the Paso 2023, in their bunker at the Hotel Libertador
Javier Milei, along with his sister Karina and Ramiro Marra, celebrate the victory in the Paso 2023, in their bunker at the Hotel LibertadorAnibal Greco

However, as the weeks went by, Jorge Macri and Marra would have resumed the dialogue. In recent days, the Buenos Aires boss was in the President’s sights after he agreed to sign the statement of support for Ignacio Torres (Chubut) in the middle of a fight with the Casa Rosada for resources. However, Jorge Macri take care of the link with Milei. It is clear that she does not want to suffer the wear and tear of a premature fight with the libertarians at the dawn of Milei’s administration. In fact, despite the fact that it has an open conflict with the Nation over the debt of co-participation funds – the Milei government says that it aspires to comply with the Court’s ruling, but claims that it does not have funds -, it avoided launching a strategy of total confrontation with the Government. On the contrary, in tune with Mauricio Macri, he repeats that he supports the course that Milei charted. This Thursday, during a visit to Expoagro, he said that will sign the “May Pact” with both hands.

The fight over the charges

After the change of authorities in the LLA bloc, López, Jorge Macri’s sword in the Legislature, was preparing to meet with Pilar Ramírez to advance with the appointments in the commissions. In this negotiation there are usually two highly coveted places: the Budget chair, which is in charge of Paola Michielotto (Pro), bishop Cristian Ritondoand Urban Planning, which would remain under the control of the libertarians. Therefore, the fierce dispute that broke out in the last hours in the LLA bench for positions of power and greater visibility. Legislators from the bloc admitted in recent days that they were living in a hostile climate.

In the midst of the conflict in the city Legislature, Pro’s political stronghold, Karina Milei promoted a new maneuver to replace Marra in the position of block head with Pilar Ramírez. Marra, who accompanied Milei from his first steps in politics and defended the reforms promoted by the Casa Rosada, such as DNU 70/2023 or the omnibus law, had been relegated from the distribution of positions in the assembly of the libertarian’s Cabinet. The reason? His disagreements with Karina.

The President’s sister blessed the lawyer Pilar Ramírez as Marra’s successor, who won her seat in the last elections and worked as advertising and marketing manager at Aerolíneas Argentinas during the administration of Mariano Recalde, one of the leaders of La Cámpora. Her husband is Dario Wasserman, deputy head of Banco Nación, who has close ties with Macrismo and interlocutors in the Casa Rosada. Pilar Ramírez is a stalwart of Karina Milei. What’s more: the President’s sister attended her swearing-in as a legislator, a gesture that surprised Macristas and libertarians.

Among close collaborators Jorge Macri They associate the conflict with an internal conflict among the libertarians and deny that Pro operators have moved their chips to agree on places on the commissions with Karina Milei’s wing in order to stimulate a rupture in the LLA bench. It is the suspicion that several allies of Jorge Macri shouted off the microphone in the Legislature.

The fracture of the libertarians in the Buenos Aires Legislature occurs when the differences between LLA representatives become increasingly visible in Congress and in a strategic district: the province of Buenos Aires. In the Buenos Aires Senate, the block of Carlos Kikuchiformer architect of the Milei presidential project, defended Axel Kicillof in the face of the funding cut that the President ordered two weeks ago. Kikuchi’s detractors called them “traitors”.

Ramiro Marra in the Chamber of Deputies during the session for the omnibus law
Ramiro Marra in the Chamber of Deputies during the session for the omnibus lawFabián Marelli – LA NACION
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