Karolin Kandler: “Worked almost for nothing at the Tagesschau for four years”

by time news

2023-05-31 18:56:17

media Former presenter

“Worked almost for nothing at the Tagesschau for four years”

Karolin Kandler now works as a presenter for “ProSiebenSat.1 Media”

Karolin Kandler now works as a presenter for “ProSiebenSat.1 Media”

Source: pa/dpa/Christoph Soeder

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Karolin Kandler presented the Tagesschau – as a mother of two. Because she could only work part-time and commuted across Germany to get the job, there was hardly anything left over from her salary. The 37-year-old would like better conditions for working mothers.

ABeing able to be a news presenter at the same time as a mother – that may sound like a dream. It wasn’t for Karolin Kandler, at least not financially. The 37-year-old, who was in front of the camera for almost four and a half years for the ARD news, said to “Bild“. “In addition to the love for this job and the team, I worked for four years at the Tagesschau for almost nothing,” Kandler is quoted as saying.

“And then, as a woman, you ask yourself in the end: Is the work still worth it then? Is it worth it?” She tried to see the work as an “investment in my future” – and in the end decided: “It was worth it!”

However, Kandler did not work “almost for free” because of the miserable pay, but because she traveled to Hamburg several times a month for her shifts. She now moderates at “ProSieben Newstime” near her home in Munich. Previously, the following calculation applied: “Working six days a month cost me at least 550 euros for a hotel, 500 euros for train journeys and sometimes up to 900 euros for two babysitters if my mother couldn’t help and I had both children in Munich and Hamburg had to accommodate.”

Going to work as a mother of two small children is therefore “pure luxury”. You earned 2100 euros and spent 1950, “Bild” calculated – Kandler added: “The rest went on food.”

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The journalist has been married to a Munich entrepreneur since 2015, but she doesn’t just want to rely on his income: “I always wanted to be independent and not ask a man for money when I wanted to buy new shoes. You just have to imagine that the man who always earned the money suddenly disappears – then you as a woman are stuck at home and in the worst case you have to go to the employment office. I also think it’s good for a marriage if you both work and if you have some balance in the relationship.”

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Kandler’s suggestion to improve the framework conditions for young mothers: “The childcare options simply have to be more flexible. Maybe more needs-based, maybe further into the morning and further into the evening, depending on how you want and need to work.”

#Karolin #Kandler #Worked #Tagesschau #years

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