Katia Aberbuch reveals: “Mother wanted to give birth to me before time” – and this is the reason

by time news

“Wedding at First Sight” star Katia Aberbuch who won the jackpot, found love in the successful reality show, also got married live in front of the entire state of Israel, and is also pregnant for the first time with her partner from the show, celebrating her 36th birthday today. It is not another birthday, but a birthday at the culmination of a first pregnancy with a small fetus developing in her womb, which is celebrated exactly at the time of International Women’s Day celebrations.

Avrobuch shares that her mother wanted to give birth to her before the estimated time, so that her daughter would not be born on Women’s Day, and so she shared the following post this morning (Wednesday) on the occasion of her birth: “Birthday on Women’s Day. I always felt that the universe gave me a gift to be born on this day (if you ask my mother Mine, she even went to the hospital and asked to give birth two days early to avoid that, but that’s a story in itself). Every year I feel like I’m celebrating the day I was born with all the women of the world, and I’m so proud.”

the wedding. Katia Aberbuch and Lior Oren (Photo: Keshet 12 screenshot)

“I grew up in a strong line of women! But not only because of one professional affiliation or another, but because each and every one of the women in this line experienced a life full of challenges – war, loss, bereavement and migration. And survived! She grew and raised offspring, and a family and this glorious line. And I watched From the sidelines, or I heard the stories, I absorbed little by little and grew to become the woman I am. This year, this day takes on a new and different meaning for me. In a way, from now and forever. This year, a little woman is celebrating my birthday with me, who is growing in these moments right inside me.”

“Kicking and reminding me that this day is also hers. Every breath I take, she breathes with me. Every movement I make, she moves with me. And I’m just happy! I admit, there are moments when I ask myself questions about the world I’m bringing her into – whether Can I protect her? Can I give her everything she needs? There are so many bad people in this world.. Can I keep her from getting hurt? And I’m sadly aware that I won’t always. But I also know that I will do everything I can! To give her love, family, Support and values ​​of true humanity and femininity, which I believe can change the world.”

“There are still so many people in the world who believe that women are less strong, less successful, less worthy! I have always said – there is no such thing as a ‘strong woman.’ For men. So on this birthday, I choose to thank and congratulate my mother, the woman who brought me into the world and gave me everything I needed, even if I sometimes had to discover alone the difficulties and complexities of life, and for women in particular.”

Lior Oren, Katia Aberbuch (photo: Yeh'ach one project)Lior Oren, Katia Aberbuch (photo: Yeh’ach one project)

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