Katya Echazarreta: The First Mexican-Born Woman in Space

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Mexican-born Woman Makes History as the First Mexican-Born Woman in Space

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Katya Echazarreta, a 28-year-old Mexican electrical engineer and citizen astronaut, made history in June 2022 by becoming the first Mexican-born woman to go to space. Echazarreta’s journey to this momentous achievement was not without its challenges.

Echazarreta’s family immigrated to California from Guadalajara, Mexico, when she was just 7 years old. The decision to move was driven by the lack of medical care available in Mexico for Echazarreta’s sister, who had mental and physical disabilities resulting from meningitis. The transition to a new country was difficult for Echazarreta, especially due to the language barrier. She struggled to fit in and often faced bullying in school.

However, Echazarreta’s passion for engineering and space fueled her determination to succeed. She recognized that mastering the English language was crucial for her dream of pursuing a career in space and science. Echazarreta dedicated herself to learning English, immersing herself in books, articles, TV shows, and movies in English. By the time she reached sixth grade, she was already reading, writing, and speaking at an eighth-grade level.

Echazarreta’s interest in space and engineering blossomed at a young age. She created her own space journal, diligently recording information about the planets in our solar system. Her enthusiasm for space continued to grow, leading her to enroll in online astronomy classes at a young age.

After majoring in electrical engineering at UCLA, Echazarreta landed her dream job at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Working at NASA was a surreal experience for her, as she contributed to missions that provided invaluable insights into our solar system.

In 2019, Echazarreta applied to Space for Humanity, a non-profit program that sends citizen astronauts into space. Although she did not hear back for three years, she used that time to undergo intensive space training. Finally, in June 2022, Echazarreta received the news that she was selected out of thousands of applicants from over 120 countries.

The rigorous psychological training Echazarreta underwent proved essential for her mission. As part of the Blue Origin NS-21 mission, she studied the effects of seeing Earth from space. Echazarreta learned visualization techniques to remain calm during the intense experience.

Upon her historic journey to space, Echazarreta felt a mix of emotions and an overwhelming sense of privilege. She recognized the significance of being the first Mexican-born woman to achieve this feat and understood the responsibility that came with it. Echazarreta has since started Fundación Espacial, a foundation that aims to provide opportunities for individuals in the community to explore the space industry.

As the first Mexican-born woman in space, Echazarreta’s accomplishment serves as an inspiration for aspiring astronauts and underscores the importance of diversity and representation within the space industry. Her hope is to open more doors and encourage others to pursue their dreams in space, ensuring that it doesn’t take another 40 years for another Mexican-born woman to reach the stars.

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