Kayes meeting on slavery by descent and similar practices: The expectations of the CNDH

by time news

For at least five years, the National Human Rights Commission has taken up human rights violations and abuses related to slavery by descent and related practices. To this end, it had to formulate relevant recommendations for the attention of the authorities, in particular a strategy of fight based on awareness-raising, advocacy, repression, if necessary, of any offense in connection with this attack on human dignity. .

Also, following the holding, from February 17 to March 17, of the special session of the Assize Court of Kayes on cases relating to the practice of slavery by descent; based, among other things, on the Constitution of February 25, 1992, the Transition Charter of October 1, 2020 (amended), the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights, the national human rights institution (CNDH) congratulates the government of Mali and the local judicial authorities for this significant progress in the fight against impunity in connection with the scourge of slavery by descent; encourages the government, in respecting its commitments to protect and respect human rights, to fight effectively against slavery by descent; invites the government to initiate, as soon as possible, an inclusive dialogue with a view to the lasting resolution of this worrying issue; reassures the national and international public opinion that it follows, in accordance with its mandate, with sustained attention the situation of human rights in general, the issue of slavery, in particular.

For the CNDH, the protection of human rights is a shared responsibility.


Aguibou Bouare

Knight of the National Order

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