Kennedy assassination: new archives declassified, the CIA “participated” in his murder, according to Fox News

by time news

The US National Archives on Thursday (December 15th) released more than 13,000 documents related to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. The White House has once again blocked the publication of thousands more, like this was the case in 2017. This did not prevent the chain Fox News and one of its star animators, Tucker Carlson, to interview “a source who had access to the undisclosed documents”who claimed that “yes, the CIA is involved in the death” of the 35th President of the United States.

Now 97% of the nearly five million pages of the Kennedy assassination file are accessible to everyone. But just like in 2017, when archives were also declassified, part of it was kept confidential. The current president, Joe Biden, indicated in a note that a “limited number of documents” could not be made public. A measurement “necessary” in order to “to prevent damage to military defense, intelligence operations, law enforcement or foreign policy”.

Requests to maintain confidentiality always come from the main American intelligence agency, the CIA, and from the federal police, the FBI.

The CIA, “obvious suspect”

During his show Tucker Carlson Tonight, the host recalls the various intriguing elements of this affair, recalling that the assassination of John Kennedy constitutes “a very extraordinary sequence of events“: “A ‘lone gunman’ assassinates the President of the United States and then, less than 48 hours later, this ‘lone gunman’ is himself assassinated by another ‘lone gunman’ ‘. How likely is this to happen?“. And to point out that the explanations of the United States government, through the Warren Commission, commission “sleazy and corrupt” according to him, did not seem “plausible“ : “A year after JFK’s assassination, the White House under Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson released the Warren Commission report. The report concludes by pointing out that while the motivations are unclear, Lee Oswald [meurtrier de Kennedy] et Jack Ruby [meurtrier d’Oswald] both acted on their own. Nobody helped them. There was no conspiracy of any kind. Case closed. Let’s move on.”

The journalist from the American channel points out that it was at this time – when Americans who doubted the official discourse began to ask common sense questions – that the term “conspiracy theory” made its appearance: “As Professor Lance Dehaven Smith points out in his book on the subject, the term ‘conspiracy theory’ did not exist in American conversations until 1964. The year 1964, the year the Warren Commission published his report, the New York Times published five articles in which the terms ‘conspiracy theories’ appeared”. Tackle this media which “uses these terms almost all the time in his policy articles”Tucker Carlson recalls that these are the same words that today “are instrumentalized as at the time against those who ask questions that the government does not want to answer.” And to add: “But even after 50 years of abusive language, these issues have not gone away, they have even multiplied.”

Besides the assassination of Kennedy’s murderer, Lee Harvey Oswald, by Jack Ruby in the basement of police headquarters, he cites the case of psychiatrist Louis Joylon West, who said that “other lone shooter” of “fou”.

“Ruby had seemed perfectly sane to people who knew him,” emphasizes the host, who insists on the fact that the same psychiatrist worked for the CIA. “Louis Jolyon West was a contract psychiatrist for the spy agency. He was also a leading player in the now infamous MK-ULTRA program in which the CIA gave Americans powerful psychiatric drugs without their knowledge.he said.

Questioning the presence of this particular psychiatrist in Jack Ruby’s prison cell, he underlines the fact that media, including the New York Times “never mentioned the fact that he had worked for the CIA, much less his time in Jack Ruby’s cell, which seems relevant”.

Carlson also recalled that the conclusions of the House of Representatives in 1976, according to which John Kennedy “was almost certainly murdered as a result of a conspiracy”. And to add: But the question is a conspiracy by whom? Well, the obvious suspect would be the CIA”he says, explaining this hypothesis by maintaining the confidentiality of “essential evidence”: “Is there a benign explanation for this, for maintaining this level of secrecy for so many years?”

Recalling the multiple requests from the CIA to keep certain parts of the archives secret, the host of Fox News wonders about the reasons for maintaining this practice, “60 years after the death of John Kennedy and after the death of everyone involved (…) Obviously, this is not to protect anyone. They are all dead. It is to protect an institution. But why ?”.

“Forces beyond democratic control”

TV channel “decided to find out why”. “We spoke to someone who had access to these still-hidden CIA documents, someone who was fully aware of their contents,” says Tucker Carlson. To the question of whether the CIA “Participated in the murder of John F. Kennedy, this source’s answer is ‘yes. I believe they were involved (…) It’s all fake’”.

“It’s hard to imagine a more shocking response than that. Again, this is not a ‘conspiracy theorist’ we spoke to,” continues Carlson, referring to the title given to people who questioned the official versions.“He is someone who has first-hand knowledge of information that, once again, is being hidden from the American public”he said.

The same facilitator thus considers that this response means that “Within the American government there are forces that are totally beyond democratic control. These forces are more powerful than the elect who are supposed to oversee them. These forces can affect election results. They can even hide their complicity in the murder of an American president”he explains.

“In other words, they can do pretty much anything they want. They constitute a government within a government mocking, by their very existence, the idea of ​​democracy”. he continues.

Carlson believes that “Americans have lost faith in their government since Kennedy’s assassination, including every CIA director since 1963, including Barack Obama’s appointee John Brennan, one of the most sinister and dishonest of American life”.

A list to which is added “our friend Mike Pompeo, who ran the CIA under the last administration. Mike Pompeo knew it. We asked him to join us tonight. And although he rarely turns down a TV interview, he refused to come”concludes the facilitator.

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