Kenya on guard ahead of elections

by time news

A few days before the presidential election to be held on August 9, “the political temperature is rising” in Kenya, estimates the Kenyan daily Nation. In question, the invectives exchanged by the camps of the two main candidates, who accuse each other of lies and manipulation. On its guard, the country hopes not to see a replay of the post-election violence that marked previous elections.

Among the four candidates in the ballot, two veterans of politics hold the top billing. On the one hand, Vice-President William Ruto, 55, abandoned by outgoing President Uhuru Kenyatta, who joined the camp of his former rival, Raila Odinga, 77. On the other hand, former Prime Minister Raila Odinga, backed by the current president, is leading the way in the polls.

In one of his “hardest rants”note Nation, Vice President William Ruto accused President Kenyatta of physically threatening him. In response, the president, who cannot stand again at the end of his second term but plays a leading role in the electoral campaign, accused his vice-president of reaching “heights in political deceit”.

Over 1,000 deaths in 2007

Social networks and Facebook in particular are accused of fueling the risk of political violence. Threatened to be suspended, the site will finally be maintained, but the dir

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