Kerameos: The changes in the process of selection of administrations in the State

by time news

2023-10-31 09:48:58

The Minister of the Interior, Niki Kerameos, spoke on Tuesday (31/10) to Mega about her ministry’s new bill and what it provides for the selection of administrations in the public sector and for the evaluation of candidates.

Mrs. Kerameos initially referred to the changes in the bill for hospital and public administrators.

“It concerns all public organizations and public bodies of national scope, for example the National Medicines Organisation, the Center for Public Administration, the OSE, local organizations for example, sports centres, public libraries as well as hospitals. For all this, the government is responsible for the selection. The government comes and says that we voluntarily want to put more filters. We want the whole process to go under ASEP, we want to raise the bar, stricter criteria, relevance between work experience and the position that is announced. Strict criteria, university degree, diploma and work experience relevant to the position, digital skills test for all. We are bringing changes that are going to speed up the process. There will not be 120 announcements for the posts but one for all,” he said initially.

“The bill is in the Parliament. The plan will be voted on this week. Afterwards, our priority will be the area of ​​health, that is, hospitals. An announcement will be issued regarding the country’s hospitals, with these being the first to be staffed. All who serve will all be re-judged. Everyone will go through the new process and a performance contract will be signed which will have measurable targets and each chief commander will be evaluated on an annual basis. The important thing is that the government is taking a step forward and putting in extra filters. The law provides for different procedures for local and public organizations, and there are about 600 positions. If the commander in question does not perform to the goals, the door opens to replace him, if he achieves the goals, he has a financial bonus. The minister who signs the contract with him will have the political responsibility of the organization”, he added.

Regarding the criticisms of the opposition for emphasizing the interviews, Mrs. Kerameos pointed out that, “you reach the interview stage after you have passed all the other stages, after you meet all the criteria. Only the 7 best ranked by ASEP make it to the interview. The interview is necessary because in addition to qualifications, personality is also important, to “weigh” the other person”

What changes?

According to Mrs. Kerameos, “you used to have a committee that judged all the candidates. Now we have multiple options and multiple committees, but in one comprehensive notice. We now have grouping. And you don’t get to the interview if all the previous procedures are not done. I understand the disbelief because we have chronic diseases. ND did not pass a law in 2020 in this logic, but in practice it found that there is room for improvement. One committee was formed for thousands of candidates and now multiple committees are being formed. This bill “deals” with the pathologies of the past in general”.

Finally, regarding NGOs and grants, he said: “it has now been put into operation, where each NGO is written and puts all the information and what it receives. The more data it provides, the more it is available to the state for relief or grants. To enter the register, all certificates are checked. It helps the government to deal with healthy NGOs and help citizens if they want to work with an NGO. We want a framework of transparency and accountability.”


#Kerameos #process #selection #administrations #State

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