Keratoconus, when the cornea of ​​the eye loses its shape

by time news

2024-01-02 12:08:18

Keratoconus is a rare eye disease that occurs when the cornea loses its rounded shape and becomes conical. The exact causes are not known, but there may be some genetic influence.


According to information from the Spanish Society of OphthalmologyKeratoconus usually affects both eyes, although one is usually more affected than the other and it is a slowly progressing disease and is not inflammatory.

Genetic origin?

Although the exact cause of keratoconus is not known, given that almost 10% of patients have an affected family member, there appears to be a genetic influence.

There may also be a relationship with a history of continuous scratching of the eyes, either due to ocular allergy, compulsion or syndromes associated with psychomotor retardation.

“It is very important that any patient diagnosed with keratoconus avoid scratching the eyes, as it accelerates its progression and worsens its prognosis,” warns the medical society.

Symptoms of keratoconus

Increased myopia and high irregular astigmatism. Increased sensitivity to light. Increased blurred vision, which generally cannot be corrected with glasses, and worse tolerance to contact lenses as the disease progresses. In advanced cases, acute symptoms of corneal edema (accumulation of fluid in the cornea) that associates intense pain and loss of vision.


The onset of keratoconus usually occurs at puberty, progressing over the next 10-20 years until gradual stabilization occurs, around 35-40 years of age.

The diagnosis should take into account those in patients between 10 and 25 years old with very rapid increase in myopia and high irregular astigmatism.

Keratoconus treatment

In mild and moderate forms, the patient’s vision can be improved with glasses or contact lenses. Contact lenses in patients with keratoconus are usually not the same as usual, and usually require a longer adaptation.

In the event that good vision is not achieved with glasses or contact lenses, or in those cases with poor tolerance to contact lenses, there are surgical options for keratoconus, which must be studied and personalized by your specialist, notes the Spanish Society of Ophthalmology.

#Keratoconus #cornea #eye #loses #shape

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