Kevin Spacey Testifies in Sexual Assault Trial: Claims ‘Gentle’ Encounters and Feeling ‘Crushed’ by Accusation

by time news

Title: Kevin Spacey Testifies in Sexual Assault Trial, Claims Gentle Encounters with Accuser

Subtitle: Acclaimed actor expresses shock and disappointment as he faces sexual assault charges

Date: [Current Date]

In a London courtroom on Thursday, Kevin Spacey testified before a British jury, addressing accusations of sexual assault and offering his side of the story. The renowned actor revealed that his encounters with the complainant were consensual, gentle, and romantic in nature, adding that he always respected the man’s boundaries. Spacey expressed feeling devastated when the man accused him of assault.

During the trial, which has been ongoing for two weeks, this was the first time the jury heard directly from Spacey. The 63-year-old actor pleaded not guilty to 12 charges related to incidents involving four men, allegedly taking place between 2001 and 2013. Notably, Spacey served as the artistic director of the Old Vic theater in London for a significant portion of the stated timeframe.

Dressed in a gray suit and light blue tie, Spacey remained composed as he faced the jury at Southwark Crown Court. He occasionally shared light-hearted banter with his legal representative, Patrick Gibbs, creating a calm atmosphere in the courtroom.

During the trial’s opening, prosecutor Christine Agnew portrayed Spacey as a “sexual bully” who delighted in making others feel powerless and uncomfortable. She alleged that the actor had repeatedly groped men, including an incident where he reportedly performed oral sex without consent.

Over the course of the trial, the jury heard from four anonymous complainants. As per British legal protocols, the identities of sexual assault complainants are protected, with strict rules forbidding publication of information that may lead to their identification. The jurors first watched recorded interviews conducted by British police officers with each complainant before they were cross-examined in the courthouse.

One of the testimonies detailed an incident from the early 2000s, where the complainant stated that Spacey had touched him on multiple occasions. During one car ride to an event hosted by Elton John, the complainant alleged that Spacey gripped his genitals so forcefully that he almost lost control of the vehicle.

During Thursday’s proceedings, Spacey focused on his interactions with this particular complainant, expressing nostalgia for their relationship. He described the man as “friendly, charming, and flirtatious,” noting that their encounters had gradually taken on a sexual nature, likely initiated by Spacey. The actor emphasized that the pair never engaged in sexual intercourse and that the complainant had made it clear he did not wish to proceed further, a boundary Spacey affirmed he respected.

As his legal representative, Mr. Gibbs probed Spacey’s emotions upon learning about the assault accusation. The actor described himself as “crushed,” comparing the situation to being stabbed in the back. After this testimony, the court adjourned for a break.

As the trial continues, both the prosecution and the defense will present evidence and arguments to the jury. The outcome of the trial will determine Spacey’s legal fate and potentially have a significant impact on his career and public image.

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