“Key” to success is consistency and patience

by time news

2023-08-01 15:55:29

Editorial RoomCurrent Affairs

With consistency in reading but also with “research” regarding the characteristics of the school and the expected educational and research benefits from his studies, George Philos was first admitted to the Department of Computer Engineering of the University of Ioannina.

It is a choice that clearly has to do with a constantly evolving subject, in a wide field of academic as well as professional application, and especially when we talk about the city of Ioannina, it is equivalent to the “future”.

The maximum number of points that Giorgos, a student of Anatoli High School until recently, collected from the Pan-Hellenic Examinations was 18,200 points and he entered first in the school of his second choice, a school with 32 applicants, due to the high admission base, but also demanding with high level of education.

The Polytechnic may have been his first choice, but the research he had done before completing his computer science degree and based on his interests of course, had yielded very positive comments for both the curriculum and the professors.

“Informatics and computer science has a long future and the school of Ioannina is constantly evolving”, noted George, expressing the hope that through the school and its professors he will be able to achieve his goals.

The efforts of the national courts for him developed smoothly, despite the difficulties and demands. Consistency in reading and persistence are definitely “keys” to success, while there were also “sacrifices”. “Something is always lost to gain something else. A little going out, a little sports. But at least the sacrifices were rewarded with the result”, notes George, who is happy to spend his student life in the city of Ioannina.

#Key #success #consistency #patience

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