Key week to do the investiture accounts

by time news

2023-08-14 15:09:44

The date marked on the calendar is approaching: August 17. This Thursday the Cortes are constituted and we enter the countdown although there is a lot of uncertainty. It is unknown who will preside over the Congress Table and by which party it will be composed. Once this first obstacle has been resolved, it is Felipe VI’s turn. The King will begin the round of contacts next week and will have to propose a candidate. Will it be Alberto Núñez Feijóo, the Popular Party candidate, having won the elections even though he does not have guaranteed support? Or will Pedro Sánchez, the PSOE candidate, who could have more guarantees of reaching the necessary votes for to become president of the Government again?

Núñez Feijóo insists on his right to run, something he has been demanding since the day after the general elections on July 23. From the PP they want to try an investiture “as soon as possible”, which means that if it is proposed by the King, the dates could be specified in the last week of August.

It could be decisive how the Table of Congress is composed this coming Thursday. If there is an agreement between the PSOE and its partners, and the candidate proposed by the Socialists presides, this move could clarify another possible pact for investiture. But the hours go by and in all the games the nerves grow. Carles Puigdemont himself, a key figure, puts pressure on Pedro Sánchez, aware that he has the key to Moncloa. On social networks he has warned that “nervousness is growing” and “the auction is going up”, referring to the price that will be set for the supports.

The demands of EH Bildu

But the votes of EH Bildu, Arnaldo Otegi’s party, are also essential for a possible investiture of the PSOE candidate, Pedro Sánchez, and they make it clear, “here we are all necessary and decisive,” says Mertxe Aizpurúa. Today they have already taken it for granted that they will support him again but they put conditions in return: they demand the right to decide in the Basque Country. They will go hand in hand with the Catalan separatists to request a referendum on self-determination

Those of Otegi meet today with the Psoe and, on the other hand, Junts will decide on Thursday, we remember that the plenary session begins at 10 in the morning, their decisions on support for the Congress Table. They all agree in conveying a message of “discretion” about the negotiations and the agreements that they may be reaching because that first examination can determine the next steps to follow.

The Psoe defends that the person who should preside over Congress is a person from his party, an idea that Sumar, Yolanda Díaz’s party, also defends, “that presidency has to do justice, reflect the proportionality of the progressive forces,” says the new spokesperson Lois. The Canarian Coalition has proposed that it be the Basque Nationalist Party, also key to tipping the balance and making Núñez Feijóo president.

#Key #week #investiture #accounts

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