keys and methods to overcome it now that spring arrives

by time news

The arrival of spring means a rise in temperatures ideal for carrying out all kinds of plans, but also a considerable increase in pollen levels. Something very problematic for allergy sufferers who, during this time of year, experience symptoms such as sneezing, itchy eyes, coughing and nasal congestion, among others, significantly conditioning their day to day, since they can seriously affect the quality of life and make it difficult to enjoy outdoor activities.

Fortunately, there are pharmacological methods and some home remedies that can help overcome allergy symptoms. The ideal, yes, is to start by going to the doctor to verify that, indeed, it is an allergy and, after the appropriate testsdetermine what type of pollen or pollens the reaction is due to.

Symptoms of a pollen allergy

The most common symptoms of allergy to pollen are, as we mentioned, mucus, congestion or coughing. For this reason, it is common to confuse it with other diseases such as the flu or a cold. However, it can sometimes lead to major complications such as breathing problems, wheezing in the chest, or severe hives.

pharmacological methods

Environmental pollution has intensified allergies to pollen.
Environmental pollution has intensified allergies to pollen.

Los antihistamines They are one of the most common options for treating allergy symptoms. These medications block the action of histamine, a chemical released by the body in response to an allergy, and can relieve allergy symptoms such as itchy and stuffy nose. In addition, they usually come in different forms, from the classic pills to the lyophilized drugs.

Los corticosteroids they can also be helpful in treating allergy symptoms. These medications reduce inflammation in the airways and can help relieve nasal congestion and other allergy symptoms. They have to be prescribed by a doctor and are available as nasal sprays, lozenges, or inhalers.

The most comforting feeling for any parent is seeing their baby sleeping soundly.

Los decongestants are another type of medication that can help relieve allergy symptoms, especially nasal congestion. Decongestants narrow the blood vessels in the nose and reduce inflammationwhich can help relieve mucus thickness.

Immunotherapy, better known as allergy shot, consists of the administration of the element that causes the allergy in increasingly higher doses, up to a maximum pre-established by the specialist in Allergology. This process can last between 3 to 5 years and is the only one capable of improve allergy and even make it disappear.

Home remedies and prevention techniques

Allergy.  Field.  Snap.  Rest.  Lie down.  Sleep.
Avoiding outdoor activities is essential during the allergy season.

To avoid getting worse due to allergies or to alleviate the symptoms, there are a series of guidelines and keys that can be followed, beyond the prescribed treatments by the corresponding physician.

  • Keep them closed windows during allergy season to prevent pollen from entering the home and clean it more frequently to remove possible particles that may enter.
  • Use a humidifier to avoid dry environment, relieve nasal congestion and keep airways moist.
  • apply a clean cold compress in the eyes to relieve itching and swelling, without rubbing or excessive touching.
  • Avoid contact with substances that cause allergies, such as pets and mold, and wash your hands frequently to prevent the spread of allergens.
  • Avoid outdoor activity on days with higher pollen counts and be aware of them through information services.
  • Los steam baths and herbal teas can also help relieve congestion and saline can also be helpful.

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