keys in the victory of the Ukraine story against Putin

by time news

Rodrigo Alonso




Ukraine has had everything in its face to win the war of the story on the Internet. The condition of an invaded country, and the good use that the Government and citizens are making of social networks, are the two main keys to victory, according to experts. “Global public opinion is in their favor in a very homogeneous way. Although this is something that must continue to be worked on every day from Ukraine”, explains Ferrán Lalueza. The Open University professor also draws attention to the importance of the figure of Zelenski, whom he describes as «a leader who has been able to connect very well with all audiences. Also with foreign leaders»:

«He masters the language of social networks very well. In his presidential campaign he already used them a lot, even dispensing with the conventional media. He is very, very active on a communicative level».

Lalueza, in turn, points to the enormous importance that social networks have gained as a mechanism to bring the conflict closer to everyone: “They make a difference, they allow us to see the day-to-day life of people with whom it is very easy to empathize, because, furthermore, until the beginning of the invasion they lived in a context very similar to ours». In recent days, the videos of Ukrainian creators such as Valerissh or Kristina Korban have become viral, who since the beginning of the conflict have been showing through TikTok the results of the bombings by Russian troops or the day-to-day life in a country invaded. The result is millions and millions of views around the world. The phenomenon, at this point, even has a name: TikTok War.

The words of Nacho de Pinedo, executive director of the school focused on ISDI digital transformation, move along this same line. «The use of traditional digital platforms by Ukrainians is being almost perfect. They are being able to truthfully convey a story of destruction. This content completely counteracts any of Russia’s more traditional efforts, which are focused on disinformation.” However, this does not imply that it is convenient to believe at face value all content coming from the invaded country. Communication experts draw attention to the importance of contrasting everything.

“Of course, excellence would be that the communication from Ukraine was 100% real. Something about which I have serious doubts (the odd fake has been caught). But they have been able to take advantage of communication very well, ”explains, for its part, Bot Ruso. Questioned about disinformation coming from the invaded country, the twitter user points to the videos of the famous ‘Ghost of kyiv’, an alleged Ukrainian aviation ace of which the Zelensky government came to share images that, in reality, were taken from a video game.

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