Keys to the new animal welfare law

by time news

After successive debates on the modification of some of its points, the Congress of Deputies has approved the draft Animal Welfare Law, as well as the necessary change in the Penal Code in its part on animal abuse processed in parallel to the norm.

Animal Welfare Law Vote / Graphic: EA

The Well-being standard was approved with 174 votes in favor (PSOE, U. Podemos, ERC, EH-Bildu and CUP), 167 against (PP, Vox, C’s, PNV, PdCat, More Country, CC, UPN, FA and PRC) y 7 abstentions (JxCat, BNG, Compromís and Teruel Existe), while the modification of the Penal Code had 178 favorable votes (PSOE, U. Podemos, ERC, EH-Bildu, PdCat and Compromís), 5 abstentions (JxCat and Teruel Exists) and 165 against (PP, Vox, C’s, PNV, More Country, CUP, CC, BNG, UPN, FA and PRC).

Voting on the reform of the Penal Code / Graphic: EA Voting on the reform of the Penal Code / Graphic: EA

The approval came with the last-minute agreement to exclude hunting dogs and working animals from its application, the main point of contention between the two government partners and a topic debated for weeks, finally prevailing the option defended by the PSOE. Despite their support in voting for the Law, Unidas Podemos, ERC and EH-Bildu were very critical of the PSOE’s decision not to include hunting dogs in the law. Now the Law will go to the Senate, where it could still undergo some modification.

The Minister of Social Rights and Agenda 2023, Ione Belarra, speaks during a plenary session, on February 9, 2023, in Madrid (Spain).  Congress approves the animal welfare law / Photo: EP

Main aspects regulated by the Animal Welfare Law / Infographic: EA Main aspects regulated by the Animal Welfare Law / Infographic: EA

The Animal Welfare Law is a regulation that aims to protect animals from any form of abuse or neglect. This law establishes a legal framework to regulate the way in which animals are treated at all stages of their lives, from birth to death.

This law regulates, among other things, the rights of animals, the conditions in which they must be raised and maintained, food and their physical and psychological well-being, and the protection of wild animals and wildlife. Sanctions are also established for those who fail to comply with the rules established by law and education and awareness about animal welfare is encouraged.

It is important to note that the Animal Welfare Law applies not only to domestic animals, but also to animals used in agriculture, scientific research, exhibitions and showsamong others.

In summary, the Animal Welfare Law is a fundamental regulation to protect the rights of animals and guarantee their welfare and protection.

Dog owners will be required toTake a course that demonstrates that they are qualified to take care of the animalas well as having a pet liability insurance. Although the details are still to be developed and specified, the course could be carried out online and be free, although the subject matter that it will include is unknown.

Another important point of the Law on dogs is the disappearance of the potentially dangerous breed concept. Now each animal will be analyzed, performing a behavior test for large dogs to decide whether or not it is necessary for them to wear a muzzle, short leash or other protective measures. In addition, the uncontrolled reproduction of dogs will be avoided with prevention measures or separation by sex.

The main point of contention of the Law was the final approval of the exclusion from this Law of hunting dogs, rehals, shepherds and Security Forcesa decision that caused the main tensions between the parties that agreed to the approval.

In the case of cats, the measure to control their proliferation is more drastic, being Mandatory surgical sterilization of the cat if you are not going to dedicate yourself to breeding. Also microchip identification will be mandatory of the feline before six months of age.

In addition, the supervision of pets is regularized, which They will not be able to go more than three days without human supervision. This period is reduced to 24 consecutive hours in the case of dogs, being exempt from the same shepherd or working dogs under certain conditions. The dogs will not be able to live on balconies, basements or terraces, nor be left alone in the car.

Euthanasia of pets will be prohibited except in exceptional casessuch as incurable diseases or extreme suffering of the animal.

Neither can dogs, cats or ferrets be sold in stores, and the breeding of these species will be carried out only by professional breeders who are registered.. On the other hand, the stores will be able to continue selling other types of pets such as birds or fish, which will continue on the exhibitors. The participation of animals in fairs and circuses will also be prohibited.

The Law will also regulate and restrict the list of species that can be considered as pets., pending a definitive list that defines the concept of companion pet. This list could include exotic birds and reptiles, some rodents, turtles, hedgehogs or Vietnamese pigs. Persons who have pets on this list may receive authorization to own them until the pet’s death.

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