Keys to understanding the Israel-Palestine conflict

by time news

2023-10-11 02:32:54

This Tuesday, four days after the escalation between Israel and Palestine began, after the unprecedented attack by Hamas militiamen, the Hebrew government declared a state of war and began bombing the Gaza Strip, in what represents the worst escalation. in decades of conflict.

The total number of fatalities exceeds 1,800 people.

The official death toll in Israel exceeds 900, although the bodies found in the liberated areas today may raise that number, and the injured reach 1,900, while the intense bombings on the Strip have also left 900 dead and more than 4,500 injured.



Last November, Israel’s right-wing Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, won the elections to form a government with the support of far-right parties and after assuming power in early 2023, they have since increased the violent repression against the Palestinians.

According to the Institute for Middle East Understanding (IMEU), with whose information most of the text is complemented, before the escalation of violence that began with the Hamas offensive, Israeli soldiers had killed more than 250 Palestinians, including 47 children in the West Bank.

This figure was the highest since the Second Intifada or the uprising against the Israeli occupation in the early 2000s.

Additionally, extremist Israeli settlers increased their attacks against Palestinians in an attempt to drive them from their land. Just last August, the The United Nations had warned of the “dramatic” increase in violence by settlers, with almost 600 documented attacks In the first six months of the year, an average of 99 incidents each month.

In addition to this, Israeli extremists increased their attacks on and within the sanctuary of the Esplanade of the Mosques in the occupied territory of East Jerusalem, the third holiest site for Islam.

Such extremists want to destroy the complex and replace it with a Jewish temple. An example of the provocation was the continued visits of the Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir, to the site.



The Strip is a 40 by 11 kilometer territory that has been under brutal military occupation for more than 50 years. Under international law, Gaza remains under Israeli control, despite the withdrawal of colonies and soldiers from the interior of the territory in 2005, because the Jewish government virtually controls the entrances and exits, as well as the air and sea space.

This blockade has been going on for more than 15 years, while some two million Palestinians live in the Strip who cannot travel to receive medical treatment, go to school or visit relatives and acquaintances.

The organization Human Rights Watch (HRW) calls the place an “open-air prison.” dwrites that the siege has devastated the economy of the area, “contributing to the fragmentation of the Palestinians” and is part of the crimes against humanity carried out by Israel such as apartheid and the persecution of millions.

The siege and blockade of Gaza and repeated military assaults by Israel have destroyed civilian infrastructure.


The United Nations has documented that more than 80% of Gazans live in poverty, with critical access to clean water and electricity.

95 percent of the population does not have access to clean water and the unemployment level was 46 percent until this year.

It should be noted that the majority of residents in Gaza are refugees who were expelled from present-day southern Israel in 1948 who have been denied the international legal right to return home.

#Keys #understanding #IsraelPalestine #conflict

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