Khenifra: Mr. Sadiki launches a series of development projects as part of the Generation Green strategy

by times news cr

Mr. Sadiki, who was accompanied by the Governor of the province of Khenifra, Mohamed Fettah, the President of the Provincial Council, the President of the Chamber of Agriculture of the region, professionals, elected officials, as well as a large delegation of officials from the ministry, also launched the provincial program to reduce the impact of the rainfall deficit.

At the level of the Aguelmam Azegza territorial commune, the minister learned about the development program of the Arougou recreational forest and presided over the inauguration of the Arougou tourist site.

This project concerns the development and protection of the Arougou spring, the development of seguias, the construction of kiosks, the development of a marketing platform for local products and the installation of a health infrastructure for a total investment of 7.7 MDH.

The kiosks built at the site are carried out as part of the promotion of the social and solidarity economy of the second tranche of the National Initiative for Human Development program for an investment of 1.3 MDH.

The Minister chaired the signing ceremony of several agreements with partners within the framework of the second foundation of the Generation Green strategy relating to the sustainability of agricultural development, more precisely the axis relating to modern distribution chains.

The first framework agreement concerns the construction and development of a livestock market in Aguelmous and weekly souks in Khenifra and Mrirt, while the second agreement concerns the completion of the second phase of the construction of the intercommunal slaughterhouse in Khenifra. The third agreement concerns the completion of the development work on the “CHALLAL” site and the creation of a solidarity market for local products in the city of Khenifra.

Mr. Sadiki also learned about the provincial agricultural plan of the Generation Green strategy. With a budget of 1.25 billion dirhams, the plan consists of several programs and projects that take into account the constraints and potential of the province.

The hydro-agricultural development projects in the Small and Medium Hydraulic perimeters concern the construction of 127 km of seguias and the development of 31 hydraulic structures for a cost of approximately 40 MDH, and the programming of 145 km of seguias and 50 hydraulic structures for an estimated cost of 60 MDH for the benefit of the local authorities of the province.

The Minister and the accompanying delegation then visited the tree plantations carried out within the framework of solidarity agriculture on a total area of ​​1070 hectares of carob trees and more than 2300 hectares of rosaceae for the benefit of more than 1740 farmers.

At the level of the territorial commune of Ait Ishaq, the minister launched the work of a solidarity agriculture project which consists of the planting of 400 hectares of carob trees and 300 hectares of olive trees, the development of seguias over a length of 8 km, the development of agricultural tracks over 5.8 km, the acquisition of technical equipment and the support of beneficiaries for a total investment amount of 20 MDH.

Solidarity agriculture projects aim to adopt agriculture that is resilient to climate change, contribute to the emergence of a new generation of young entrepreneurs and the expansion of the agricultural middle class.

He also learned about the program to open up rural areas of the province, which aims to improve the living conditions of the rural population, facilitate access to social services and facilities and improve farmers’ incomes by promoting agricultural products.

The program involves the development of rural tracks over a length of 100 km for a budget of approximately 90 MDH, for the benefit of all the territorial municipalities of the province.

At the Institute of Specialized Technicians in Agriculture of Ben Khalil, Ait Ishaq commune, the minister learned about the regional program of professional training within the framework of the Green Generation Strategy and visited the construction site of the boarding school extension works.

He also chaired the operation of distributing more than 30 towed tankers for the benefit of professional organizations operating in the livestock sector in the province and the handing over of the keys to two milk collection centers located in the municipalities of El Lkbab and Ait Ishaq as well as those of a honey house located in the Municipality of El Hammam, for the benefit of cooperatives carrying out projects.

At the level of the Territorial Municipality of El-Borj, the Minister learned about the provincial program for the reduction of territorial and social disparities (PRDTS) and made a field visit to the construction site of the El-Borj community school.

For a budget of approximately 1 billion dirhams, the provincial program for reducing territorial and social disparities involves the construction of 186 km of rural roads and the development of an additional 136 km, the connection of more than 300 Douars to the electricity network, the construction of 10 school buildings and the acquisition of school transport, the construction of a health center and the purchase of 3 mobile medical units and 6 ambulances.

Concerning the territorial commune of Aglmouss, the minister launched the national program to reduce the impact of the rainfall deficit in the province of Khenifra, a program set up in accordance with the High Royal Instructions and kicked off the operation of distributing subsidized barley for the benefit of breeders in the province. It should be noted that under the first tranche, an allocation of 619,000 quintals is allocated to the region, including 111,000 quintals to the province.

Furthermore, in the same commune, the minister learned about the pastoral development program in the Azgar area and chaired the operation of distributing 20 towed tanks for the benefit of associations and cooperatives in the Aguelmous circle.

In a statement to the press, Mr. Sadiki stressed that this visit aims to focus on the various projects implemented within the framework of the Green Generation strategy, in particular, those currently being completed, in addition to the launch of others within the framework of solidarity agriculture and the promotion of agricultural products, specifying that this visit also aims to promote the development of production sectors, such as almond, apple and carob.

He highlighted the importance of promoting the opening up of rural areas of the province in order to improve the living conditions of the rural population, facilitate access to social services and facilities and improve farmers’ incomes by promoting agricultural products, stressing the importance of launching the national program to reduce the impact of rainfall deficit and the operation of distributing subsidized barley to the benefit of breeders in the province as part of efforts to combat the effects induced by the scarcity of rainfall.

2024-08-27 03:16:32

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