Kim buys vaccine from China | North Korea | Kim Jong-un | Covid Deaths | Covid World | China

by time news

Seoul മാസ Months before it was officially acknowledged that Kovid had been confirmed in North Korea, confirmation that Kovid had sought China’s help in bringing it under control. According to figures released by China, North Korea bought 1.60 million masks from China between January and April last year. In addition, about a thousand ventilators were imported.

Despite reports that North Korea has denied China’s promise to provide indigenous vaccines, China has so far released about 2.5 billion rupees worth of vaccines. From January to April last year, China supplied 95,000 thermometers. It is estimated that North Korea imported more than 20 million worth of ventilators from China.

At the beginning of Kovid, North Korea claimed to have closed its borders in January 2020 and controlled Kovid. Lockdowns have been imposed, including in the capital, Pyongyang. It is unknown at this time what he will do after leaving the post. On May 8, North Korea announced that it had detected the presence of the Omikron variety in the capital, Pyongyang, despite the fact that by the end of April, about 3.5 million people had been infected with the H5N1 virus.

Shortly after the official announcement that Kovid had been confirmed for the first time in the country, North Korean leader Kim Jong Un appeared in public wearing a mask. Kim Jong Un directly coordinates Kovid defenses.

In the country of 2.5 crore people, not a single person has been vaccinated against Kovid earlier. But at present 33 lakh people have contracted the disease and 60 have died but the explanation was that it was all due to ‘unknown fever’. North Korea has not yet clarified how many Kovid cases there are in these fever cases. There is no explanation as to how many deaths were caused by Kovid.

English Summary: N.Korea stockpiled Chinese masks, vaccines before reporting COVID-19 outbreak

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