Kim Soo-chan “‘Ask Us Anything’ Guest is a Mother… My story of a father blocking my path, it breaks my heart”

by times news cr
Singer Kim Soo-chan ⓒ News1

Singer Kim Soo-chan appeared on ‘Ask Us Anything’ and revealed that the woman who had been troubled by her ex-husband blocking her son’s future as a singer was his mother.

On the 2nd, Kim Soo-chan left a message on his fan cafe, saying, “I think I’ve had a series of sleepless nights these past few days because I’ve been feeling uneasy.” He continued, “As a singer whose mission is to stand in front of the public and deliver happy energy, and at a time when many people are visiting my fan cafe due to my frequent local performances, I personally feel very sorry that I can’t write anything bright.”

Kim Soo-chan then confessed, “The last guest to appear on ‘Ask Anything’ that day was my mother and she told my story.”

Kim Soo-chan then said about the reason for confessing this, “The truth is that it doesn’t disappear if you ignore it, and I am sharing this with you first because I need to stop the victims my father is causing from continuing to appear.”

Kim Soo-chan said, “I have always believed that if you are honest, there is nothing to fear,” and “Just in case, my mother went to the filming set alone without telling anyone, and she even promised to keep my name anonymous until the end after filming was over. As her son, my heart aches.”

While saying this, he said, “However, I know better than anyone else that Chani Sarang (fandom) has always supported me and been by my side,” and added, “I gain strength from the words that tell me it’s okay to be a little more honest and to have courage.” He also expressed his gratitude for the support of his fans.

Kim Soo-chan “‘Ask Us Anything’ Guest is a Mother… My story of a father blocking my path, it breaks my heart”

KBS JOY ‘Ask Anything’ broadcast screen capture

Meanwhile, on KBS Joy’s ‘Ask Anything’ aired on the 2nd, a story about a woman confessing her story about her ex-husband who is blocking her singer son’s bright future was depicted.

The victim said, “My son is a singer. It’s been 14 years since I got divorced. My ex-husband is spreading so many false facts that he’s blocking my son’s future.” She continued, “The violence was so severe since he was young. He ran away with our three children and divorced me without any alimony. I had all the custody and parental rights. About a year after the divorce, my son appeared on TV. He saw that and came looking for me.”

He revealed, “I was about to sign a contract with a big agency, but he came to me and said he would take over for me again. He said that he sold his body to sign a contract with the big agency and signed a contract with the agency president.” He continued, “After that, he called himself the CEO and took out my child to events, and took out a lot of loans in his son’s name.”

The victim also claimed, “For 8 years, (her ex-husband) kept taking our son with him and never told anyone in the broadcasting industry that we were divorced. He went around telling people that he was a typical good father, a father who was devoted to his family.”

He continued, “Even though my son was in a car accident, they didn’t give him proper treatment and just kept taking him to events,” and “My son was about to give up singing at the time, but he ended up signing with another agency. Then, he protested in front of the agency and called them to continue his debt battle,” causing heartbreak.

(Seoul = News 1)

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2024-09-03 15:44:11

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