Kimberly Ryder Clarifies Low Alimony Request of Rp 5,000 to Edward Akbar is Not a Jab

by time news

2024-08-22 13:34:00

JAKARTA, – Actress Kimberly Ryder emphasizes that the support of Rp 5,000 requested from Edward Akbar is not a jab.

In fact, the star of the film Bangsal Isolasi stated that she does not want to burden Edward if they officially divorce.

It is known that Kimberly requested mut’ah support, iddah, madhiyah, kiswah, and maskan, each valued at Rp 1,000.

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“Actually, it was not intended as a jab or anything like that. Not at all. Remember when I talked about filing a lawsuit for Rp 5,000?” Kimberly said when met at the South Jakarta Metro Police on Thursday (22/8/2024).

“My thought was that okay, for iddah support, mut’ah, and everything, if it really has to be paid, it must be fulfilled by the defendant. I don’t want to be a burden. So, I just wrote Rp 1,000 for everything, totaling Rp 5,000,” added Kimberly.

Kimberly added that she does not want to complicate matters for Edward Akbar in the future, just because of the support for herself.

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She only asks that the support for her children is fulfilled.

“So it’s not meant as a jab. Because I don’t want to complicate him in that regard, I just want him (Edward) to be responsible for child support, that’s it,” Kimberly revealed.

Currently, the fate of Kimberly and Edward’s marriage is being processed in the Central Jakarta Religious Court (PA).

Kimberly filed for divorce from Edward Akbar on July 12, 2024.

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Trends in Divorce and Child Support: The Case of Kimberly Ryder and Edward Akbar

The recent case of Indonesian actress Kimberly Ryder, who demanded a nominal child support alimony of just Rp 5,000 from estranged husband Edward Akbar, sheds light on emerging trends in divorce and child support arrangements. This unusual request, framed as a means not to burden the ex-spouse, reflects a growing sentiment among couples seeking amicable solutions to post-marriage responsibilities.

One notable trend is shifting perspectives on financial obligations after separation. Many individuals are opting for minimalistic approaches to alimony, emphasizing the importance of fulfilling responsibilities towards children over monetary disputes. Ryder’s emphasis on seeking only the necessary support for their children rather than extensive financial compensations might resonate with a growing number of separated parents, particularly in an era where emotional ties often supersede financial ones.

Additionally, the rising number of divorce cases in Indonesia highlights the need for more flexible and transparent legal frameworks surrounding child support. Changes in societal norms and increased awareness of equitable parenting roles signify that more couples are willing to negotiate terms that prioritizing children’s welfare rather than engaging in lengthy court disputes. This may serve as a catalyst for reform in family law, encouraging processes that provide fairness and understanding, as witnessed in Ryder’s case.

Furthermore, as culture evolves, so does the discourse around divorce, with less stigma attached to couples choosing to split amicably. Celebrities like Ryder, who openly discuss their situations, play a crucial role in normalizing these conversations, potentially influencing public perception and ultimately leading to more equitable agreements in future separates. This evolving landscape calls for further observation as more families navigate their unique challenges within the framework of modern relationships.

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