King Charles, The British Royal House

by time news

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After waiting for seventy years, less than a year ago, Charles was crowned King Charles III of Great Britain, on May 6, 2023.

At last he would be allowed to carry out the deed for which he had been preparing throughout his long life.

On Monday evening came the shocking news. King Charles has cancer.

The British royal house states that the cancer was discovered when the king was being treated in hospital recently and he will receive “normal” treatment in the future.

Poor Charles.

also read

New information about King Charles’ cancer diagnosis

Unfortunate bird

King Charles has been dogged by misfortune. It is tempting to claim that being born into “The House of Windsor” may be an accident in itself.

A life as heir to the throne is a life without options, and often without meaning – at least in a family where you rarely talk about important things together, and in a nation with high and unrealistic expectations of the royals.

As a four-year-old, Charles watched the coronation of his mother from the gallery in Westminster Abbey, on 2 June 1953.

Since then he has been waiting, and waiting…

He has waited for love, for his job as king and, not least, he has waited for the respect of the people.

Tove Taalesen

Nettavisen’s royal house expert was Norway’s first female lackey at the Royal Court in 2007 and has worked as a lackey for DD. MM. The King and Queen for over ten years. Taalesen published two crime books; “The Queen” and “The Bodyguard”, has the podcast “Interiørhuset” and is a board member of the Authors’ Association.

  • Instagram: @tovetaalesen
  • Podcast: @interiorhuset_

A difficult love story

Allegedly, Charles and Camilla met at a polo match as early as 1970. They had a relationship, but it was cut short when he left for the Navy in 1973. In his absence, Camilla married her longtime lover, Andrew Parker-Bowles and Charles married Diana in 1981.

Then there was a divorce for both Charles and Camilla, before the tragic car accident followed and unhappy children.

Charles had to wait until 2005 before he was allowed to marry the woman he loved – and who loved him.

Then followed a long and carefully planned process to win the royal family and the people’s acceptance.

That Camilla would ever be titled as queen appeared at one time unthinkable. Now she is accepted, respected and perhaps even loved by the British people.

also read

King Charles receives support from the President of the United States after the cancer announcement

Enmity with the youngest son

Patience has been an important watchword for Charles throughout.

For the past four years, he has been constantly accused of lying by his own son and daughter-in-law, Harry and Meghan. All the while, he has patiently followed his mother’s rule of thumb: “Keep calm and carry on”, and avoided contributing to a public laundry.

Instead, he has participated in several hundred public engagements.

Charles has a great commitment to the environment, youth and health. Few royals have visited more hospitals than the king.

Over the decades, King Charles has been there for many people, visiting hospitals and giving them hope.

But misfortunes continued to haunt Charles.

Not a death sentence

The internet is full of doomsday prophecies from Nostradamus that King Charles will be replaced by a new king within this year.

Now, a cancer diagnosis is not necessarily a death sentence. Most recover, and many live long and well for many years with the disease. Just look at King Harald.

The Norwegian king has been open about his illnesses, and perhaps made more of us pay more attention to our own health. He has had heart problems and bladder cancer, and has shown that you can live long and well after treatment.

And hopefully the unfortunate King Charles will be on the mend in no time.

Read more comments from Tove Taalesen

Accidentally poured

And maybe something good can come out of the misery.

Prince Harry has indeed traveled to Great Britain to be by his father’s side to show him support in a difficult time.

Whether it is possible for the family to put their differences aside remains to be seen.

What is certain is that the British people show broad support and warm care for the King these days. He needs that now.

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