Kirill’s thought: “Russia, Belarus and Ukraine are one”

by time news
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War Russia Ukraine, “Kirill? If you criticize his thinking he fires you”

The guerra in Ukraine risks becoming a world conflict. Because of this Pope francesco he had offered himself how negotiatorproposing to Putin to meet a Mosca and also trying to convince the Orthodox patriarch Kirill to help him in this mission. But Francesco has had the opposite effect and now relations with the Ortodox church have become more complicated. Who knows well Kirill he is not surprised by this reaction. Sergey Chapnin in 2015, – reads the Republic – in a prophetic essay, he stigmatized the nostalgia for the “strong country” of the Russian Orthodox Church, or “Empire churchAs he called it. Words that cost him the dismissal after six years at the helm of the Newspaper of the Moscow Patriarchate.

Kirill – explains Chapnin to Repubblica – just think about money and power. Sanctions will help spot your hidden funds. I’m money stolen from the Church. The “Russian World” is one of the key concepts of his thinking. The idea is that Russia, Belarus and Ukraine are part of a kind of spiritual trinity. You can’t separate them. So when Kiev asked to join Ue e Natoper Putin it was not just a political betrayal, but one spiritual catastrophe. Per Putin, Kirill is the leader of the “religious corporation of the Federation. Like the leaders of other corporations: atomic energy, oil, etc. In Putin’s ideology there are three Russian empires: the empire of Romanovthe empire of Stalin and the empire of Putin same”.

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