Kitten Viva didn’t make it

by time news

2023-09-30 15:29:10

We reported on the fate of the kittens Zoey and Viva last week. Now it’s clear: one didn’t make it. The animal shelter is still grateful for the donations.

Update from Thursday, September 28th, 5 p.m.: The Hattersheim animal shelter has a sad update on Viva’s fate. The young cat fell from the fourth floor and broke all four legs. After the operations she was on the mend, but now she has died.

Kitten Viva does not survive – parvovirus was ultimately fatal for her

“If you can hear a heart breaking, then it shook the world today,” the animal shelter writes on its Facebook page. Viva probably carried an undetected parvo virus, also known as cat disease. “She was doing so well in the foster home, making progress and everything looked like a happy ending. Suddenly, within a few hours, she felt very bad, she was immediately taken to the veterinary clinic, but unfortunately they couldn’t help her anymore.” Her immune system was apparently too weakened due to the two major operations.

“We are all shocked and deeply sad,” the animal shelter wrote to this editorial team. The medical bills still have to be paid. A total of around 3,500 euros in donations were received, which the animal shelter had asked for almost a week earlier so that the treatment of the two animals could be financed.

Meanwhile, little Zoey, who had to have her leg amputated, is doing well. She is already making her first attempts at climbing and is ready for a “forever home,” writes the animal shelter.

Animal shelter groans under treatment costs – emotional appeal

First report from Saturday, September 23rd, 5:47 p.m.: Hattersheim – They are reluctant to ask, writes the Hattersheim animal shelter (Main-Taunus district) on its Facebook page, but there is no other way: The animal rescuers are collecting “Lebensthaler” for two problem children: the two kittens Zoey and Viva have a tough one way behind you. The treatment costs are high, but “how can we let them down?” asks the animal shelter. But like many other Hessian animal protection associations, Hattersheim is at its limit.

The kittens Viva and Zoey have had a tough journey: both had to undergo major operations. © Hattersheim Animal Shelter/Facebook

Hattersheim animal shelter didn’t want to abandon kittens

What happened? According to the Facebook post, the foundling cat Zoey, who is probably just 4 months old, came to the veterinary clinic seriously injured. Her left hind leg had to be amputated. But the Hattersheim animal shelter, which had the treatment carried out, says: She is a cheerful nature, copes well with the handicap and is already being placed with her – preferably with a cat of the same age and with a secured balcony.


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Four-month-old cat Zoey had her left hind leg amputated. © Hattersheim Animal Shelter/Facebook

Viva, who was about 1.5 to 2 years old, fell from the fourth floor and broke all of her legs, according to the shelter. “Viva means life and that’s what we named the little kitten.” Her life was hanging by a thread, two long operations were necessary in which screws and plates were inserted into her legs. The animal shelter calls her a “fighter mouse” and she is already making her first attempts to walk. She will soon be able to get well in a foster home.

Donations for Zoey and Viva

are possible via Paypal to [email protected]

or by bank transfer to the Hattersheim animal shelter, Taunus Sparkasse, IBAN: DE29 5125 0000 0003 4096 51 with the reference “Lebenstaler”.

According to the shelter, the operations were expensive. For the amputated Zoey the costs are 2000 euros, for Viva 3000 euros, there may be more as the treatment has not been completed. “These days people are reluctant to ask, but once again we have no other option,” writes the animal shelter. Because: “How much is a life worth?” We don’t want to ask ourselves this question, because a life – whether human or animal – cannot be worth money. That’s why we had no other option than to agree to the treatment of our two emergency furs, Zoey and Viva, even if our financial situation is making us despair.” (Anna Kirschner)

Poor cat Viva had to have surgery on all four legs. © Hattersheim Animal Shelter/Facebook

There is also no requirement to castrate cats in Frankfurt. Many owners do not have their animals neutered. The nationwide problem leads to cat suffering and animal shelters at their limits – including in the Rhine-Main area.

#Kitten #Viva #didnt

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