Do not pass the 6-day work calls the Communist Party, asking that “the circular of the Ministry of Labor be revoked here and now”.

“That’s enough! Don’t let the 6-day work pass! To revoke here and now the circular of the Ministry of Labour, which is a “war declaration” against the working class and its rights and was issued at the behest of the employer”, states the KKE in its leaflet and adds:

“The truth about the 6-day work against the fakenews issued by the Ministry of Labor and the employer:

– The 6-day work concerns factories many branches (e.g. Metal, Energy, Water, Food – Drinks), private health, transport, ports and generally loading and unloading areas. The application can also be extended to supermarkets, e-commerce and the warehouses of such businesses.

– The 6-day work is mandatory unilaterally to the employee from the employer. The employer can impose 6-day work with the justification of the increased workload. In other words, the contracts are based on the needs of the business for profit!

– The 6th working day not is replaced by days off in the following weeks since the total legal working time for each week is 48 hourss.

– The 6th working day does not correspond to an extra one stamp».

The KKE adds that “with the implementation of the digital card in a number of sectors:

– An hour of unpaid work is given as a gift to the industrialists under the pretext of preparing the employee for taking up the job and leaving it! That is, employees should go to work half an hour earlier and leave half an hour later, and this time should not be considered working time.

– Up to 3 days a month are given to the employer to exploit the workers as many hours as he wants, since up to 3 single taps of the card (that is, without being tapped either at the beginning or at the end of the shift) do not bring any fine to the employer!

– No working hours are declared at all for those employees who are classified as managers. However, for this characterization there is no substantial and objective criterion (e.g. particularly increased earnings). In other words, even part-time employees will be able to call themselves “managers” and work with open hours!

– The responsibility for the correct punching of the card is transferred to the employee.

– The break is not considered working time and extends the working hours.

– The employer is given the possibility to change the start and end of the working hours every day within a range of 4 hours, without even considering the continuous change of working hours as abusive.

These are to be added:

– In disgrace of working 13 hours a day at multiple employers!

– In the 9 to 13 hour work day, in the 78 hour work week of the arrangement, without overtime pay, in the hope of being given a day off sometime in the future!

– In “on-demand employment” where the employee will be ready to work without being paid and in case the employer notifies him, he must go to work within 24 hours!

– In enforcement trial period in all employment contracts (indefinite and fixed-term) with automatic termination (!) of the trial contract if the trial period is deemed unsuccessful by the employer. In other words, the way is wide open for the dismissal of even those categories of workers who had rudimentary protection (e.g. pregnant women, trade unionists, etc.).

– In the abolition of Sunday – holiday”.

New York Times: The rest of the world is turning to four-day work, but Greece wants six days

“The EU Working Time Directives, which are the bible of exploitation and unpaid work, are a weapon in the hands of large employers and the government,” emphasizes the KKE, adding, among other things: “The confrontation between the government and the others is hypocritical urban parties, because all together have voted and implemented the overflowing of hours, the freezing of wages, the abolition of collective labor agreements, the gradual abolition of the Sunday holiday. Each step prepared the next!”

“It is a lie that the examples with the 4-day work only concern other countries. In Greece, at the “Greek Gold” mines in Halkidiki, the employer tried to implement a “new program”… with 12-hour – 4-day work and the abolition of holidays, exploiting the shame of the arrangement! It has been hindered until now by the multi-day strike of the miners, which the KKE has stood by from the first moment! That’s why the answer to the 6-day is not another form of work extermination and intensification, but the claim of reduced, fixed daily working time”, points out the KKE.

“All complicit”

“With more and more hours in the day that workers work unpaid and the result of their work, the vast wealth produced, goes into the pockets of a handful of vermin! This is also the heart of capitalist exploitation: The unpaid working time of workers!”, he adds and underlines:

“All the governments until today, all the parties, from ND, SYRIZA and PASOK, to Velopoulos and the New Left are all complicit!

KKE highlights the possibility today, with the huge development of technology, the development of artificial intelligence and automation, for workers to work less and enjoy more, even to abolish heavy and monotonous tasks.

An obstacle to this is capitalist property and power, the capitalist system whose oxygen is the exploitation of the working class to increase the profits of the few.

Emphasizing that “in every industry and in every business to sound the alarm!” the KKE states that “the combative, assertive response can be given by the working class and the unions, coordinated and determined. We will not wait until the next elections for any so-called “savior”.

“The KKE will once again do what it promised to the people. He will throw all his forces where anti-popular decisions are really overturned, on the path of struggle and counter-attack,” he notes in the KKE brochure and concludes:

“Contemporary for workers is the reduction of working time, with a fixed schedule of 7 hours – 5 days – 35 hours, with health and safety measures in the workplace and with salaries that meet their needs.

It is modern to work to live and not to live to work!”.

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