KKL-JNF plantations in the Negev | Mansour Abbas threatens the integrity of the coalition.

by time news

Against the background of the demand of the Bedouin rioters in the Negev, who are passing through the south of our country tonight (Tuesday) and attacking police and civilians on the roads of the Negev, Mansour Abbas continues with his threats to the integrity of the coalition and declares that he will not vote Take over more and more state lands more easily.

MK Shlomo Qarai of the Likud commented on Mansour Abbas’ threats: “If they had not been promised control of the Negev, Abbas would not have raged like this over a few seedlings… Bennett and Saar, Shaked and Orbach, sold the Negev to the Islamic movement. They did not understand that a permit to sell a shmita is only a temporary halachic solution…

And let there be no doubt, they are going to surrender here too without a fight. Israel is in danger. “

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