Klein’s testimony: Was Mandelblit wrong when he did not accuse Netanyahu of bribery in the 1000 case?

by time news

Milchen, for example, will not strengthen the supply line to Netanyahu just because of the free love he felt for him. The love may have been free but the interests that buzzed around his personal affiliations were many: taxation issues, media holdings, ties to the US administration (regarding visas) and more. In fact, Milchen is similar to Pilber. He will testify under the “benefit” he received from the State Attorney’s Office, exempt from the charge of bribery, but without the state having bound that exemption in a state witness agreement. In his testimony, Milchen is supposed to attack and confirm Klein’s testimony and lock up the conviction for breach of trust, the one bird in his hand that Mandelblit preferred over the two bribe birds in the 1000 case.

The testimony of Klein, which joins the testimony in the defamation case against former Prime Minister Ehud Olmert, which joins the rulings of the Labor Court regarding the abuse in the Prime Minister’s Residence – all of these merge into a large picture that reflects the character of the Netanyahu family.

Let us leave for a moment the discussion of his achievements and failures as Prime Minister – the evidence for the family picture and its conduct in Balfour is unequivocal. The bibists’ efforts to shatter this look are based on the “persecution” claim. Exactly the claim attributed to the prosecution in filing the indictments. The Netanyahu family markets itself as persecuted – both in the indictments and in the presentation of the family picture. And there are enough buyers for this commodity, as for other lies that come out of close proximity and challenge the rule that the end of truth is forever, at least in the upcoming elections.

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