Klismets and Skujiņa are the fastest up the serpentine of the Sigulda Bobsleigh track /

by times news cr

For the second year in a row, thanks to the benevolence of the municipality of Sigulda region and other supporters, the Latvian hill driving championship, which is also the 38th MSG Cup, took place on the Sigulda bobsleigh and luge track. The organizers of the competition offered to compete in the less than 900-meter climb, which is one of the heaviest climbs of its kind in Latvia.

In excellent weather conditions, 140 cyclists from Latvian cycling clubs took part in the competition. The participants went on the track one by one with an interval of 1 minute. In the absolute evaluation, the main prize for both men and women was a 100 EUR cash prize from the Latvian Cycling Support Development Agency headed by MSG graduate Daniel Kristapsonas.

In the men’s competition, Kārlis Klismets, the representative of the Lithuanian UCI continental level cycling team “Energus”, completed the course in 2 minutes and 7.9 seconds. The second place, losing only 1.3 seconds to the winner, was won by “Dobeles zirnavnieks/ FeelFree” cyclist Lavrs Sipovičs, while his brother Riks took third place, 1.8 seconds behind the winner. Olivers Jēkabs Skrapcis, Gusts Lapiņš and Matīss Zērvēns also entered TOP6.

Among the representatives of the fair sex, the Latvian champion in the group race in the U16 group Kate Ketrīna Skujiņa from “RRS” managed to achieve the absolute best time. She conquered the mountain in 3 minutes and 5 seconds. 3 seconds lost to her and second place was won by the winner of the junior group, Amanda Reilija Zariņa (Dobeles SS/ Baldones RN”). Meanwhile, Renāte Rodionova from “ĐažiVelo” finished the TOP3, losing to Skujiņa by 5 seconds. Last year’s winner, Evelina Ermane-Marchenko, meanwhile, ranked fourth.

Results in age groups:


1. Adrians Purlaurs, Ķekava NSS, 03:31

2. Eduards Eichmanis, Dobeles SS, +00:00:09

3. Rodrigo Fecers, Dobeles SS, +00:00:16


1. Catherine Hanson, RRS, 03:49

2. Samanta Luberte, VeloLifestyle/ Smiltenes BJSS, +00:00:06

3. Charlotte Klumele, RRS, +00:00:09


1. Valts Skujiņš, RRS, 02:26

2. Everts Buliņš, RRS, +00:00:26

3. Roberts Yudins, VeloLifestyle/ Smiltenes BJSS,+00:00:26


1. Evelina Vītiņa, Dobeles SS, 03:40

2. Samanta Roziņa, Latvian Cycling girls, +00:00:15

3. Nonna Vlasenko, RRS, +00:00:24


1. Alvils Pētersons, NN Sporta klubs/ RRS, 02:27

2. Everts Meijers, NN Sports Club/ RRS, +00:00:04

3. Rudolfs Schultz, Kuldīga NSS/ Goldingen CA/ MSĂ, +00:00:04


1. Kate Ketrīna Skujiņa, RRS, 03:05

2. Linda Elizabete Brilte, VeloLifestyle/ Smiltenes BJSS,+0:00:11

3. Laura Klismete, RRS, +00:00:18


1. Jēkabs Olivers Skrapcis, VeloLifestyle/ Smiltenes BJSS MSG, 02:13

2. Dāniels Apse, VeloLifestyle/ Smiltenes BJSS MSG, +00:00:07

3. Klāvs Milčs, Dobele miller/ FeelFree RRS, +00:00:10


1. Amanda Reilija Zariņa, Dobeles miller/ FeelFree Dobeles SS, 03:08

2. Liva Shlosberga, RRS, +00:00:36

M Elite/U23:

1. Kārlis Klismets, Energus, 02:07

2. Lavrs Sipovičs, Dobeles miller/ FeelFree Dobeles SS, +00:00:01

3. Riks Sipovičs, Dobeles miller/ FeelFree Dobeles SS, +00:00:01


1. Evelina Ermane-Marchenko, DTG – MySport/ Dobeles SS, 03:13

2. Madara Ábom, Dobele miller/ FeelFree, +00:00:07

3. Lāsma Elza Vaivode, RRS, +00:00:08

M Amateurs:

1. Matīss Zervēns, ZZK AP Print, 02:16

2. Artis Roze, Dobele miller/ FeelFree, +00:00:01

3. Jans Pavlovs, Atom CK, +00:00:19

W Amateurs:

1. Renate Rodionova, ĀdažiVelo, 03:10

2. Anita Antone, Dobele miller/ FeelFree, +00:00:18

3. Diana Jureviča, LiVelo, +00:00:45

2024-08-27 03:56:31

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