Know before you eat! Protein for weight loss, eating wrong, life “Krit” I don’t know!

by time news

weight loss protein These days are becoming popular in the line. Vegan Because the main purpose of eating weight loss protein Is eating protein that is low in calories, no fat, does not result in obesity. Therefore, from the aforementioned “Popular in the line Vegan“Because the protein that meets the needs of people who want to lose weight is “plant protein“also known as”Plant-Based ProteinThat’s it

So why plant protein? To become protein for weight loss? the answer is plant protein It doesn’t directly help you lose weight, just plant protein, which is 100% plant-based protein, does not accumulate fat, does not contain cholesterol. Help repair the worn parts of the body. Therefore, plant protein does not directly aid weight loss. But… if you know the mechanics of your body Know how your body uses energy from food. Eating protein for weight loss the right way will definitely see results and have a positive effect on the body. And today Bright TV will bring you to find out the answer to the mechanisms of the body when using energy from food for good knowledge in “Know before eating protein for weight loss”

3 things that the body needs each day to use energy from the main diet is

  1. carbohydrate Foods that are important sources of carbohydrates are grains, starches, starches, sugar, rice, bread, taro, sweet potatoes, corn, etc. After being digested from the digestive system, carbohydrates are converted to glucose to be used as energy for our body. When we eat carbohydrates, our body secretes insulin to tell our bodies to use sugar or glucose for energy (insulin is the body’s most important hormone. serves to regulate metabolism carbohydrates and digested into So, if you want to burn starch out of your body, you should eat starch to burn that starch (eating + exercise).
  2. Fat (Trigleceride) : Fat group resulting from daily diet, such as pork belly, oil, butter or various fats. After being decomposed from the digestive system Will be converted to fatty acids or ketones to be used as energy for the body.

So, let’s summarize the energy of carbohydrates and fats before getting into the protein content.

Carbohydrates and fats, these nutrients provide energy to our bodies. Our bodies will choose to use energy from these nutrients in order. When our body gets enough energy from carbohydrates and fats, the body will not metabolize proteins for energy. Since the body has to store protein as a structure to repair the wear and tear of the body, so the source of energy that is important to the body, we mean carbohydrates and fats as the main living thing.

  1. protein : A primary nutrient that the body uses to strengthen, repair, and maintain tissues in the body, proteins make up every cell, tissue, and organ in the body. Proteins are made up of many amino acids. Let’s line up. There are 20 types of amino acids that the body needs. After being decomposed from the digestive system Proteins are broken down into amino acids, primarily proteins that are used in the form of “Repair the body” “repair muscle mass and wear and tear of the body”, so the body does not use protein as a source of energy. because if there is glucose (carbohydrate that is digested into sugar) and fat is sufficient for the body and is the structure of the body

However, from the “Know Before You Eat Protein for Weight Loss” section, it can be seen that directly eating protein for weight loss is wrong! because the body’s mechanisms originate from the main source of energy When sorted in order of importance, they are: Carbohydrates, fats and proteins which if using a mechanism to lose weight with protein You need to manage your diet and diet properly and add protein to strengthen the body’s wear and tear from the weight loss itself.

Protein is the last key to weight loss. In short, a staple food is always important because the body secretes insulin to burn carbs again. Protein helps to repair the worn out parts, repairing muscle mass from good weight loss So anyone who is still dieting to lose weight, quit! If you don’t want your body to be damaged!

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