know everything about the amount and the date of payment

by time news
The back-to-school allowance will be paid to beneficiary families on August 16. Mike Fouque /

Purchases of notebooks, pencils or binders… This aid allows low-income families to finance school supplies. It will be paid on August 16.

The back-to-school allowance (ARS) is a social benefit paid annually shortly before the start of the school year by the family allowance funds (CAF) and the agricultural social mutual funds (MSA). It is paid on a means-tested basis to families caring for at least one school-going child aged 6 to 18 to help them finance the purchase of school supplies.

Who is concerned ?

To benefit from the aid, the family resources, for the year 2020, must not exceed €25,370 for a child; €31,225 for two children; €37,080 for three children and €42,935 for four children, details the government website. It is possible to test your family’s eligibility for the back-to-school allowance on the website To touch it, the steps are simple. Parents of children aged 6 to 15 who are already benefiting from allowances do not have to take any action, the aid will be paid to them automatically. If this is not the case, registration on is necessary, specifies the site of the Ministry of Solidarity and Health. For children aged 6 after December 31, 2022 and admitted to CP at the start of the school year, a school certificate must be sent to their CAF or MSA. From the age of 16, an online declaration is sufficient.

What is its amount?

The back-to-school allowance is increased by 4% this year. Thus, it will be €376.98 for children aged 6 to 10; €397.78 for children aged 11 to 14 and €411.56 for teenagers aged 15 to 18, indicates the government website.

When is it paid?

The payment was made on August 2 for families residing in Mayotte or Reunion. For the other French departments, it is scheduled for August 16. Initially, it is the amount without revaluation that will be paid to the parents. The complement will arrive a few days later.

Not to be confused with exceptional back-to-school assistance

The back-to-school allowance is different from the exceptional back-to-school aid. This one-off aid concerns recipients of social minima but also those who receive the activity bonus.

It will be paid: in September to those who need it the most“, said Thursday morning on RTL the Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire.

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