Know his name and career

by time news

2023-10-24 02:00:35

Since 1937, Doctor’s Day is commemorated in Mexico every October 23.
Annually, the General Health Council awards recognition to the best doctor in Mexico and this 2023 it went to an INSP researcher.
Among his contributions are the findings in the control of vectors such as dengue, Zika, chikungunya, malaria and chagas, with benefits in national and international public health.

For his contribution and tireless work, the best doctor in Mexico. This is a recognition of great value because the health field is one of the most competitive. Despite the above, there are also some people who have managed to stand out from the rest and today are both national and international references.

In this vein, on the occasion of Doctor’s Day, which is commemorated every October 23 in Mexico, the General Health Council (CSG) delivered the Recognition of Medical Merit 2023 “Valentín Gómez Farías”. It is aimed at health professionals who have distinguished themselves for their contributions to the training of human resources, scientific and technological research, permanent fight against disease and work in the creation of a Mexico with more solid health institutions.

The ceremony was held at the Congress Unit of the National Institute of Genomic Medicine (Inmegen) and was presided over by the head of the Ministry of Health (SSa), Jorge Alcocer Varelawho reported that after the evaluation, review and analysis of the candidates’ files, a final decision was made.

Who is the best doctor in Mexico?

With this in mind, it was determined that the 2023 “Valentín Gómez Farías” Recognition of Medical Merit goes to the researcher from the National Institute of Public Health (INSP), Mario Henry Rodríguez López.

In addition, the specialist from the Regional High Specialty Hospital (HRAE) of Oaxaca also received an honorable mention, María de Lourdes Martínez Gómezand the general director of the National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition “Salvador Zubirán” (INCMNSZ), José Sifuentes Osornio.

Secretary Alcocer Valera mentioned that, for 83 years, the CSG has awarded recognition to professionals who have contributed to significant changes in the field of health.

He added that on September 9, 2022, the agreement was modified so that the recognition bears the name of Dr. Valentín Gómez Farías, considered the father of Mexican liberalism for pursuing the purposes of freedom of religion; separation of church and state. He also achieved the abolition of the privileges of the clergy and the army, as well as the elimination of the clergy’s monopoly on public education.

The secretary of the CGS, Marcos Cantero Cortés, said that this commemoration is intended to remember that behind every doctor there is a history of conscience, learning and a humanistic sense.

“Medical practice is a great challenge, but above all a social commitment, because health is the essential condition to enjoy life and we must all work for it.”

Contributions to the health field that he has made

As already mentioned, this year the “Valentín Gómez Farías” Recognition of Medical Merit was awarded to the INSP researcher, Mario Henry Rodríguez López. Among his contributions are the findings in the control of vectors such as dengue, Zika, chikungunya, malaria and chagas, with benefits in national and international public health.

In addition, he has also made contributions to the development of vaccines against dengue and malaria, and in 2009 he received recognition as Champion against Malaria in the Americas, from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO).

While as director of the Center for Research on Infectious Diseases (Cieni) of the INSP, he created the laboratory for the study of plasmodium-mosquito-vector interactions.

Also read:

Recognition of Medical Merit 2022: This is the call and awards

Recognition of Medical Merit 2023: Requirements to participate and prize amount

Doctor’s Day, is it celebrated on October 23 or December 3?


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