Know the Benefits and Properties for Health

by time news

2023-04-24 09:51:07

  • Nattokinase is a protein – a protease enzyme – that is naturally generated when the bacterium Bacillus natto is inoculated into boiled soybeans for subsequent fermentation during the process of creating Nattō, a soy-derived food commonly consumed in countries Oriental like Japan.
  • Nattō has traditionally been associated with longevity and good health, in fact there are studies that show how natto consumption is associated in some way, from a scientific perspective, with better health and life expectancy in general.

Nattokinase seems to be responsible for the beneficial health properties of this food.

When this was discovered, the scientific community turned to research into the mechanisms through which it generated positive effects on people’s health, and many companies began to market Nattō and its enzyme in isolation, intended for use. use as a food supplement.

Properties and benefits of Nattokinase

Nattokinase has a positive impact on people’s health due to the direct and indirect effects it has on the protection of the cardiovascular system in various areas.

Due to these properties it also has positive effects on the nervous system, since it acts as a neuroprotector.

For the cardiovascular system

The main positive effect of nattokinase on people’s health lies in the fibrinolytic properties that has this enzyme.

The “fiber” or “fibrin”, which is what nattokinase degrades, is formed among other places in the cholesterol deposits that adhere to blood vessels due to hypercholesterolemia, and that increase the risk of cardiovascular disease due to ischemic events (heart attacks and embolisms).

Said fibrin formation is a complication and a natural and irremediable process. of the progress of atherosclerosis when people do not control their cholesterol for years, and it is a very dangerous condition, which is why the discovery of nattokinase has been so praised by the medical community.

Nattokinase acts directly on fibrin, degrading it, thanks to its fibrinolytic properties, whose activity can be measured based on the purity of the nattokinase obtained.

Nattokinase fibrinolytic properties

On the other hand, it not only acts directly, but also has indirect effects on fibrin degradation thanks to the fact that it generates a increase in plasminogen activating factor of cells affected by fibrin networksand reduces the inhibitory factor of plasminogen activation.


Plasminogen is the precursor of plasmin, an endogenous protein of our own body, which has fibrinolytic activity, so nattokinase stimulates the synthesis of something that opposes fibrinand reduces the creation of another protein which in turn blocks the body’s synthesis of plasminogen.

All of this makes Nattokinase an enzyme with increasingly widespread and promising medical use, and a food supplement used by virtually anyone interested in maintaining a good state of cardiovascular health.

Other properties on the cardiovascular system

By mechanisms still unknown, nattokinase is associated with a positive effect on hypertension and hypercholesterolemia.

At some point in the processes that trigger these morbidity and mortality conditions that represent a serious medical concern for public health in the West today,

Nattokinase acts positively by improving the state of the condition: reducing blood pressure and normalizing blood cholesterol.

for the nervous system

Nattokinase, thanks to its fibrinolytic properties, has been shown to have a positive effect against the appearance of amyloid fibrils in the nerve terminals of neurons:

Amyloid fibrils are created by genetic defects and are enhanced by environmental causes, most of which are still to be determined, generating the appearance of amyloidosisa condition associated with an abnormal protein alteration of amyloid with important negative effects on health, being one of the most recognized conditions, its link to Alzheimer’s.

Nattokinase for the elderly

It is possible that nattokinase is a preventive agent for the development of Alzheimer’s in people predisposed to presenting an abnormal amyloid condition.

How to take Nattokinase?

Nattokinase is an enzyme that can be used in any time of the day as a supplementdoes not have a moment or an associated condition of use that is better than another.

Keep in mind that before it was isolated for its properties, it exerted its positive effects through the consumption of Nattō, which was taken with other foods at a meal.

In the same way, we have studies that administer nattokinase on an empty stomach, more for a reason to avoid contaminating the results that they intend to measure with other nutrients, than because said time of day is higher than another.

In short, you can use nattokinase whenever you want, in the morning or at night, with or without food, it does not matter as long as the use is daily and long-term.

According to the dosethere is no absolute recommendation, but the recommended amount of nattokinase has been assumed based on its fibrinolytic activity in:

2000 Fibrin Degradation Units (or FUs).

There are studies that administer up to 4 times that amount per day, but positive effects with 2000 Units are reportedTherefore, unless said amount must be adjusted based on the data obtained from medical tests, it is the usual recommendation for people interested in benefiting from the positive effects of Nattō.

How long can it take?

You should consider that the scientific studies that have been carried out to demonstrate the short-term positive effects of nattokinase last between 1 month and 7 months; and that the most notable effects of nattokinase have been estimated from observational studies of the Japanese population that consume Nattō throughout their lives, so a good and sensible recommendation, knowing that nattokinase has no reported adverse effects from long-term consumption. term, is to use nattokinase daily for as long as possible, years if possible.

Natural sources of nattokinase

Nattokinase is an enzyme that is generated through the fermentation of soybeans, as long as it is treated with the Bacillus natto enzymeand at the moment in which this is the case, what is being prepared is Nattō.

fermented soybeans

fermented soybeans

Therefore, although we could say that nattokinase is a protein generated from fermented soybeans, which is true, the reality is that for practical purposes we will only find it in Nattō, contributing to its characteristic consistency.

About 100g of natto provide approximately 2000 Nattokinase FUs.

Nattokinasa supplements

There are many Nattokinase supplements on the market, in order to choose the best one you must focus on the following characteristics:

  1. That comes from soybeans

Nattokinase can now be obtained recombinantly (synthetically); although this should be something equally valid, the science is scarce in this regard and the adverse effects that this process can have are, at least, partially unknown.

For this reason, nattokinase purified from soybean natto is the best option.

  1. That establishes its fibrinolytic activity and has at least 2000 FUs.

2000 FUs is the ideal dose, so:

  • If a nattokinase only indicates quantity in mass (mg) and not its units of fibrinolytic activity, discard it.
  • If it provides quantities such as 200 or 400 FUs, the measurement units are different from Fibrinolytic Units; discard it too.
  1. That is free of GMO

90% of the world’s soybeans contain or are harvested in the presence of Genetically modified organisms.

The effect of these on health, although it seems not to be worrisome, remains at least in part unknown, and the most critical sectors of science continue to recommend caution and, as far as possible, avoid GMOs.

Not to mention the negative impact that this has on the flora and fauna of the location, forcing a change in the native ecosystem that puts the plant and animal population of the region in serious danger.

HSN Nattokinase is your best option:

Nattokinasa de Essential Series

Nattokinasa de Essential Series.

It comes from soybeans, WITHOUT genetically modified organisms (guaranteed), treated with the Bacillus natto bacterium, purified, and dosed providing 2000 FUs per capsule.

All you can ask for!

Bibliographic references

  • Chen, H., Chen, J., Zhang, F., Li, Y., Wang, R., Zheng, Q., … Lin, Y. (2022). Effective management of atherosclerosis progress and hyperlipidemia with nattokinase: A clinical study with 1,062 participants. Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine, 9, 964977.
  • Chen, H., McGowan, E. M., Ren, N., Lal, S., Nassif, N., Shad-Kaneez, F., … Lin, Y. (2018). Nattokinase: A Promising Alternative in Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Diseases. Biomarker Insights, 13, 1177271918785130.
  • Hsu, R. L., Lee, K. T., Wang, J. H., Lee, L. Y. L., & Chen, R. P. Y. (2009). Amyloid-degrading ability of nattokinase from bacillus subtilis natto. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 57(2), 503–508.
  • Kurosawa, Y., Nirengi, S., Homma, T., Esaki, K., Ohta, M., Clark, J. F., & Hamaoka, T. (2015). A single-dose of oral nattokinase potentiates thrombolysis and anti-coagulation profiles. Scientific Reports, 5, 11601.
  • Selvarajan, E., & Bhatnagar, N. (2017). Nattokinase: An Updated Critical Review on Challenges and Perspectives. Cardiovascular & Hematological Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 15(2), 128–135.

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