Know the correct technique for the French press and its variants

by time news

2024-01-13 21:00:14

The French press is usually a must-have in gym routines for triceps. But did you know that there is no single way to do it? With pulleys, elastic bands or dumbbells you can give it variety.

Last update: January 13, 2024

The triceps brachii is an essential muscle for the movements of the upper limb and also contributes to aesthetics. It occupies almost the entire back of the arm and is involved in pushing and throwing. One way to strengthen it is to apply the correct technique of the press French.

This exercise is one of the most recurring and effective exercises to work the triceps in isolation. In addition, it is very versatile: it can be practiced with almost any accessory and in different postures. It simultaneously activates the three heads or vasti of the muscle (lateral, long and medial).

The variations may slightly modify the work of each sector. But the most convenient thing, in principle, is to know the traditional form precisely. Then, we can embark on the alternatives.

Step by step of press traditional French: on flat bench with Z bar

The traditional execution is performed on a flat bench with the Z or W bar. This is an exercise for beginners that can be incorporated from the first minute in the gym.

The step by step is as follows:

  • Start lying on the bench. Lie face up, with your back in contact with the surface.
  • Grab the bar with both hands in an overhand grip, that is, with your palms facing up.
  • Maintain a distance of about 30 centimeters between your two hands.
  • Extend your arms until they are perpendicular to your body, without opening your elbows and with the soles of your feet on the ground.
  • The eccentric phase begins, that is, the lowering of the bar. Activate the flexion of your elbows to lower the bar in a slow and controlled manner, to a point halfway between your forehead and nose, without touching them.
  • When you reach maximum elbow flexion, return the element, which would be the concentric phase. Also do it in a controlled manner and with your wrists in a neutral position.
  • Repeat the number of times you have planned.
  • It would be advisable to start without additional weight on the order to assimilate the correct technique of press French. Then, you will add discs progressively.

    How to make all the variants of the press French

    He press Classic and traditional French is one of the best exercises for triceps, since it develops strength and hypertrophy of the entire muscle. However, there are variations that modify the stimulation to work in a specific sector.

    By changing your posture, bench position, accessory, or grip type, you include modifications that encourage balance and arm muscle balance.

    A prone grip involves more of the lateral head of the triceps, while a supine grip involves the medial and lateral heads, for example.

    With two dumbbells

    This variant is suitable for beginners. The technique is similar to the traditional one, but holding a dumbbell in each handinstead of the Z bar.

    It is possible to lower both dumbbells at the same time or alternate one and the other. The type of grip is neutral, that is, with the palms facing each other.

    You should lower the weights to ear level, then raise and repeat. You can include this press French within a routine full body with dumbbells.

    With greater shoulder flexion

    This variant requires having some experience and maintaining good shoulder movement capacity. It consists of performing the same exercise, with dumbbells or a bar, but descending a little more in the eccentric phase.

    You should position yourself at the end of the bench, in order to carry the weight just below your head. By modifying the angle of flexion of the shoulder, the different heads of the triceps are activated with greater intensity.

    On inclined bench

    If you are in a gym with a mobile bench, tilt it at about 30 degrees. The technique is similar to the traditional one, only your trunk is inclined and not horizontal. You can use straight bars, W bars, or dumbbells.

    on declined bench

    Contrary to the previous variant, you can do the press French with the bench declined between 15 and 30 degrees. It is a modality that achieves comprehensive activation of the triceps, while increasing the demand at the most eccentric point.

    With resistance bands on a bench

    Hold the elastic bands at the base of the flat bench and bring the other end of them to the height of your head. Take them with both hands and put tension on them, imitating the movement of the press classic french.

    It is an ideal alternative to do at home, if you have a flat surface to replace the gym bench. If you put together a complete routine with these implements, you will also be able to do glute, leg and muscle exercises in the same session. core.

    With elastic bands from the ground

    You want to practice press French, but you don’t have a bench, bars or dumbbells? Then, you can lie face up on a mat and take elastic bands previously attached to a firm anchor point behind your head.

    Bend your knees and keep the soles of your feet on the floor. Then, move your upper extremities forward and return to the starting position. The difference lies in the investment of the weight to be movedsince you will have the maximum resistance towards the front and not when you bring your hands back.

    Press french with low pulley

    Although it is more advisable to practice this exercise with free weight, it can also be performed on a bench with a low pulley. You have to bring the support surface closer to a pulley gym machine and assemble the system with a T bar connected from the bottom of the counterweights.

    As with the previous variant, the displacement of maximum force is reversed. Now you will need more power to go up than going down.

    Standing with high pulley

    Another variant of press French consists of standing with your back to the pulley machine, and leaning forward a little. You take a grip device, which can be a T-bar or ropes, and from the back and high part of your head, you carry the selected weight forward and down. The elbows should be kept close to the head.

    You can perform the same variation, standing, with resistance bands. You just have to find where to fix them so that they fulfill the function of the pulley.

    With a single dumbbell

    For this expert alternative, stand at the end of the bench, leaving your head out so that it tilts downward. Hold a dumbbell with both hands and bring it towards your chin to lower it and repeat.

    As in the previous exercise, try to move your elbows as little as possible. And choose the weight of the dumbbell that is appropriate for your abilities, so that you avoid injury.

    Press french sitting with dumbbell

    Finally, the sitting posture is reserved for people with previous experience in the exercise and in some of its variants. This is because the load on the back can be greater, which facilitates the appearance of an injury or muscle contracture in the trapezius or surrounding structures.

    Sit down, grab a dumbbell and stretch your arm above your head. Activate the flexion of the elbow behind the neck, keeping the abdomen in tension and return to the starting position.

    Repeat the number of times you have scheduled and change hands with the dumbbell to do it on the other side. It is possible to do it with two dumbbells at the same time.but this implies a very advanced level.

    Avoid the most common mistakes when making press French

    Beyond knowing the correct techniques for each variation, it is important to consider some errors that are often repeated when practicing the press French. The following can lead to injury or reduce the effectiveness of the exercise:

    • Placing excessive weight: Respect your abilities and your level of evolution in the gym.
    • Swing your elbows: The movement, in almost all its variants, is designed to be performed with minimal displacement of the elbows. In this way, the triceps are activated more alone, without the help of other muscles. The same applies to opening the elbows, which is not recommended.
    • Move your arms instead of your forearms: for the same reason as with the elbows, since other muscles would be activated and the triceps would no longer be isolated for toning.
    • Bring the bar or dumbbell to neck height: In the traditional form, the weight loss site is between the forehead and the nose. Doing it on the neck causes overload that can lead to injuries.

    Beyond the care, among all the exercises to strengthen the arms, the press Classic French is one of the most recommended for beginners. It is a movement that will develop the volume of the triceps comprehensively, contributing to the aesthetics of the area.

    When you gain confidence, Take advantage of its benefits with the combination of variants, either with a pulley, including dumbbells or increasing shoulder flexion. As long as you are progressive and have professional advice from a trainer, the risk of injury will be minimal.

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