Know the most common pests in winter and how to scare them away

by time news

2023-12-18 23:00:18

Rodents, bedbugs, termites, spiders and cockroaches seek warmth inside the house in winter. Pests don’t rest, so pay attention to ways to identify and eradicate them.

Last update: December 18, 2023

There is a widespread belief that associates insect and rodent pests with heat, outside of the winter season. Although it is true that they enhance their development with high temperatures in the environment, during the cold they will seek refuge. And their hiding places can be in various sectors of the home..

For this reason, controlling the appearance of pests is as important in the cold season as in the hot season. In fact, some types of insects nest more frequently in winter, as they find food sources in houses.

Another difference is that the humidity and heat of the environment encourage them to show themselves and go out. The situation is reversed with low temperatures, since they prefer to stay in the nest, which makes it difficult to locate them. But just because we see them less doesn’t mean they don’t exist.


There are hundreds of species of spiders, but there are some that prefer to take refuge inside homes during the winter. For example, the Salticidae or jumping spider, whose family includes more than 700 genera.

Although their presence may be annoying or cause fear, It is important to remember that they are natural predators of insects, like flies and mosquitoes. By having them in your home, you could be controlling other pest populations.

Poisonous species, such as black widows or recluses, are uncommon in homes. Additionally, its bite is rare.

Brown recluse spider. Loxosceles recluse.

How to prevent them?

Although, as we warned, most are not dangerous to humans, the cobweb accumulates dust and can cause allergies. If you see them wandering around your house or notice cobwebs in the corners, you could take certain measures, such as the following:

If you have tall trees and bushes in the garden, keep them pruned, as they can gain access from there. Check the shoes you wear, as they usually hide there. This way you will avoid an accident. Protect your shoes and clothing that you leave outside the closet in airtight bags. Seal cracks and openings in windows and doors.


Mice, in winter, take refuge and nest in warm spaces. Due to their elusive nature, they are difficult to find. And if we see them, they will almost certainly escape us.

Rodents can transmit diseases to humans through their saliva, urine, and feces. Among them are salmonellosis, leptospirosis and hantavirosis. Additionally, they can introduce fleas and ticks into the home.

But they also attack the structure of the house. Mice gnaw on cables, pipes and building materials. Their nests can clog ventilation systems and cause electrical problems.

Check for damaged cables, eaten away wall panels, or chewed wood. Rats and mice are usually found among rubble, in basements or other dark, quiet places. You will be able to perceive their presence, without seeing them, through the remains of excrement they leave behind.

How to prevent them?

There are some measures you can take to prevent rodents from entering your home:

Cover cracks and openings in the walls. Store food in airtight containers. Keep garbage in closed containers, both inside and outside the home.

In case of a confirmed infestation, you should try to remove the mice safely. For it, You can place traps and baits that are purchased in specialized places. Although it doesn’t hurt to seek the help of pest control professionals.


This is a complex winter pest to identify and one that stays indoors during cold weather. The termites they can silently damage different structures in the house, such as beams, furniture and other wooden objects.

Although they reduce their pace of activity in winter, they do not stop eating. It is essential to detect its presence as soon as possible. Some signs of infestation include tunnels in walls, termite wings appearing on the ground, wooden objects with holes in them, and feces, which resemble small balls or pellets.

Discovering termite wings in the house raises the suspicion of a large infestation.

How to prevent them?

Regular home inspections can help identify any early signs of termites. And if they are not seen, then you prevent them with the following measures:

Repair water leaks to prevent moisture that attracts them. Maintain good ventilation, even if it is cold in the environment. If you store wood for construction or firewood for heating, do not leave it against the ground. Make pallets and arrange the materials with a certain space between them.

If a termite infestation is suspected, Calling pest control professionals is optimal. Termiticide application, baiting, and other specialized techniques are often necessary.


Perhaps it is the most common insect of the cold season. These small dark red ones proliferate in crevices of bedrooms, carpets, upholstery and other fabrics. It is not uncommon to see specimens walking on the mattress.

The most common variant in homes is known as the bed bug. In addition to being unhygienic, they itch. They leave welts on the skin similar to those caused by mosquitoes.

Bed bugs tend to feed at night.

How to prevent them?

bed bugs They are known for their ability to reproduce quickly. So take the following measures to avoid having a big problem in a short time:

Try to maintain order and general cleanliness of the rooms. Ventilate, opening windows and air access, since they do not tolerate extreme cold. They also do not withstand strong heat. Therefore, wash bedding regularly at high temperatures.

If you detected them, it is possible to use a commercial insect repellent. There are also natural remedies that are useful not only for bed bugs, but also for other pests.


This is another insect identified only with summer. However, some species, such as the German cockroach, survive in winter and become pests if they find areas with humidity and heat inside houses.

Cockroaches can carry pathogens that cause diseases. Among them, salmonellosis and even leprosy.

Their feces and secretions can also cause health problems. In some people they trigger allergies and in patients who live with asthma they are capable of triggering an acute episode.

How to prevent them?

It is recommended not to step on the cockroaches. Instead, you can implement other measures to prevent or eliminate it:

Inspects and seals cracks in walls, around windows, doors, pipes and ducts. Clean floors, countertops, appliances, and food storage areas. Store food in airtight containers to prevent cockroaches from having easy access to it. Repair any water leaks and make sure there is no water buildup in the dishes under the pots.


Also known as silverfish, these winter insects, elongated and with different shades of gray, take refuge in dark and humid areas. They can appear on clothing, mattresses, cardboard or food..

Unlike cockroaches and termites, they do not pose a significant risk to human health or cause structural damage. However, they can be annoying.

Lepismas Lepisma saccharina.

How to prevent them?

With proper preventative measures and good cleaning you can reduce the chances of an infestation in your home:

Maintain general hygiene, especially in the kitchen, pantry and bathroom. Use dehumidifiers in the areas that accumulate the most humidity in your home. Apply citrus and lavender essential oils, since silverfish cannot tolerate these fragrances. Thoroughly vacuum and clean areas prone to dust and crumb buildup to remove eggs and larvae. Reduces the unnecessary accumulation of starch and sugar-based products, such as paper and cardboard, which are their food sources.


The San Antonio cows, ladybugs or ladybugs They are small harmless beetles and even pleasant to many people. Although they are often associated with spring and summer, it is not uncommon to find them inside homes in winter.

They feed on garden pests, such as aphids. So having them can be beneficial. Furthermore, they do not pose a significant risk to human health or cause structural damage to homes.

How to prevent them?

To prevent the excessive presence of ladybugs inside the house, you can seal cracks and openings around windows and doors. Only take action if you notice that the number of this beetle is becoming very bothersome.

In general, it is recommended not to kill ladybugs. If you find any inside your home, carefully release them into the open air.


If you have a garden, consider that Ants can survive perfectly during the cold months. Even part of the colony will tend to enter the home in search of food.

How to prevent them?

There are different mechanisms to implement if you want to reduce the presence of ants in the home:

Seal potential entrances to the house, such as cracks and openings. Keep kitchen and food storage areas clean. If you have pets, store their food in airtight containers. Clean the areas where the ants have been walking with a vinegar and water solution to remove their pheromone trail.

To control these small winter pests, you can use homemade solutions of vinegar, cinnamon, talcum powder or borax. Secondly, commercial insecticides also appear as an option. In this case, It is necessary to read the label very carefully and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

Prevents the most common winter pests

Some pests can pose risks to human health. For example, cockroaches and mice. Others, such as termites and rodents, cause significant damage to the structure of homes.

Acting preventively, early, can prevent small infestations from becoming big problems. A pest-free home contributes to general well-being and improves quality of life. To that end, don’t hesitate to contact professionals if the problem escalates or gets out of control.

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