Know your rights as a consumer according to Profeco

by times news cr

Did you know that how consumer there are some rights that you can assert when making your shopping in establishments?

The Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco) recalled through Consumer Magazine the Basic Rights of Consumersso that you take them into account in this shopping season that has not yet ended and throughout the rest of the year.

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Here we tell you what they are:

Photo: Freepik

1.- Right to information

All information about the goods and services offered to you must be timely, complete, clear y truthful.

Demand that the products you want to purchase have all the information you need to decide if it is a good purchase for your needs and your pocket.

2.- Right to education

It is important know your rights and the way it protects you ley to learn to consume better and smarter.

3.- Right to choose

When choosing a product or service, no one can pressure you, condition the sale, demand payments or advances without you having signed a contract.

Practices of this type must be reported before the corresponding authorities.

4.- Right to safety and quality

Goods and services must comply with the rules and regulations in terms of safety and quality.

Don’t be afraid to ask your suppliers to verify that they have all the current regulations established to operate in a manner legal.

5.- Right not to be discriminated against

Nobody can you deny a product or service because of your sex, race, religion, economic condition, nationality, sexual orientation or because you have any disability.

The cases of discrimination These are serious situations that should not occur in any type of establishment or service provision, so they must be report to the authorities for its repair and sanction.

6.- Right to compensation

If they sell you a product poor qualityyou have the right to a replacement or a refund of your money and, where appropriate, a bonus of no less than 20% of the price paid.

Remember before buying to review the conditions of exchange and return of your product so that if necessary you do not have any setbacks in carrying out the procedure.

7.- Right to protection

When any supplier do not respect your rights or commit abuses against consumers, Profeco puts at your disposal the Consumer Telephone (Telcon): 55 5568 8722 y 800 468 8722.

Consumer rights are so important that even the General Assembly of the United National proclaimed March 15 as the World Consumer Rights Day in order to legitimize, protect, vindicate and recognize their rights at the international level.

Know your rights as a consumer according to Profeco
Photo: Special

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The Federal Consumer Protection Agency (Profeco) is in charge of Mexico to ensure that these rights that we show you are respected and sanctioned to those establishments and service providers that violate some of them.

If you went victim of any abuse as a consumer, do not hesitate to go to one of the Consumer Defense Offices that are located throughout the different entities of the Mexican Republic.

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