Known as “rotics”, muscle spasms in children that adults should not ignore

by time news

children or someone close to you Have you ever had any of these symptoms? wink and wrinkle nose Frequent twitching of the corners of the mouth, flicking of the neck, shrugging shoulders, repeated twitching of arms and legs. Sometimes he coughs and sniffs loudly. to the point of saying meaningless words Or rude words come out unconsciously If you observe and find that you have had the symptoms mentioned above It may be a warning sign that the child is at risk of developing tics. or muscle spasms

What is tics?

TICS, also known as tic disorder, is a muscle spasm condition. from disorders of the nervous system and brain involuntary movements of the muscles (Motor tics) and difficulty controlling, such as blinking eyes, opening mouth, shrugging shoulders, or twitching of limbs, etc.

Sometimes there may be abnormal pronunciation as well, that is, there may be vocal tics from the throat or nose without intention, such as coughing, coughing, sniffing, choking in the throat. to the repetition or swearing in rude words

in some patients Both muscle spasms were found. and mispronouncing both together It is called Tourette’s disease, with symptoms beginning in childhood (up to age 18). It is more common in males than females.


Is tics dangerous in children?

Psychosis is a spontaneous movement of the muscles. or muscle spasms The symptoms will occur immediately. irregular and irregular, similar to wind, is not long, occurs and may be cured quickly But it can be repeated.

The disease is not harmful to the brain. or learning of children But it can be annoying. or lose personality Most of them occur in children aged 3-7 years, sometimes affecting personality and confidence. If being teased by friends or people around you

However, children with muscle spasms Often, other diseases are also detected, such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, anxiety disorder, and depression.


The exact cause has not yet been found. What causes muscle spasms? but assuming is a defect in the functioning of the brain from the following common factors:

  1. heredity such as having a family member or relatives with a history of tics Obsessive compulsive disorder, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, which can cause children to have such symptoms.
  2. brain abnormalities which involves controlling the muscles in the movement If that part of the brain is not functioning properly It can cause symptoms of tics.
  3. beta-hemolytic infection Streptococcus Group A (Group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus) causing inflammation and sore throat and infection into the brain cause the immune system to react with the part that controls the muscles
  4. psychological factor For example, stress or nervous beating can cause seizures.

Symptoms of tics

  1. Muscle spasms (motor tics) It is often found in patients It’s a jerk that starts with the face, such as blinking rapidly and rapidly, raising eyebrows, wrinkling the nose, making the lips twitch. which tend to change constantly jerking Some left, some right not specific may spread to spasms in other parts of the body, for example
    – Neck, often found symptoms such as shaking the neck, tilting the head
    – Shoulders and arms are often found to be swaying.
    – Legs often experience swinging legs. or have a wagging foot
    – Some cases may have complicated muscle movements, such as jumping without knowing why, hitting yourself, picking your nose, sticking out your tongue, grabbing your nose.
  2. Vocal tics This symptom is less common than the first type. It is coughing, coughing, making noise in the throat, hiccups, and having symptoms like sniffling. or voicing into words both meaningful and has no meaning including profanity

tics What age were you born with?

as mentioned above that patients with this disease That is, most children are in the range of 3-7 years, found to be more boys than girls. will start to have more symptoms When the child is stressed, sleep deprived, the body is weak tired and weary

But in older children, tics can also be found. but can control or can hold back spasms or make noises which requires a lot of effort in general With increasing age, the symptoms of the disease gradually progress. disappear or decrease Few will be until adulthood.


How to treat TICS

  1. Behavior modification, training, and symptom control
    This treatment is considered effective in older children with leading symptoms, but it takes time and requires the cooperation of parents and children.
  2. Understand parents and peers
    Muscle spasms or involuntary sounding It wasn’t intentional or fake. Parents or people around the child must be open-minded. Do not scold, blame, mock, greet or prohibit anything. causing stress to children Because as I said, the more stressed, the more symptoms will increase.
  3. Do not greet or ridicule when the child has symptoms.
    Don’t show any gestures, don’t greet, don’t tease, don’t scold when the child has a spasm. But find out the reasons that may cause the child to be stressed. and help fix it, for example, if you see a child with symptoms Should find a way for the child to rest or divert them to do relaxing activities.
  4. Teachers need to understand this disease as well.
    Parents may find a way to tell the teacher initially. Let the teacher understand that the child’s condition is not serious. not contagious for teachers to take care of Asking for cooperation from friends that do not greet, teasing, bullying or discourage them from joining the group.
  5. Don’t make the child stressed. and get enough rest
    The most important thing is stress. Avoid activities that may cause stress. Refrain from exercising too hard and being too tired.
  6. consult a doctorIf after doing all the methods and finding that the child’s condition has not improved should take him to see a doctor to find a cure and proper protection
  7. drug treatment
    Taking medication can help reduce spasms. It depends on the doctor’s consideration. and severity of symptoms
  8. Treatment with co-detected diseases
    Sometimes doctors will treat other diseases or conditions, such as children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, anxiety disorders, specific learning disabilities. Because the group of children who have the above diseases tend to have muscle spasms as well.

However, even tics in medicine will be seen as a disease that is not scary and can be cured However, it depends on the cooperation and attention of the parents. You must keep an eye on the symptoms. and look at the behavior that cause stress to the child

If abnormalities are found Should find a solution, do not neglect and let this disease happen to your children. because it may spread to other diseases that affect health social status Including living in the future.

Author : PpsFoam
Graphics : Jutaphun Sooksamphun

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