known hepatitis

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known hepatitis

When it comes to viral hepatitis We all know that there are hepatitis A virus, hepatitis B virus and hepatitis C virus, each with different symptoms. In order to raise awareness and understanding of these different types of hepatitis, let’s follow up.

If asked which types of hepatitis are common in Thailand, the answer is that there are various types such as hepatitis A, hepatitis B and hepatitis C, all 3 types of viruses can be transmitted depending on the type of virus. Like hepatitis A and E, it can be transmitted through fecal contamination. by eating food contaminated with the virus While hepatitis B, C and D can be transmitted through blood. the official sharing of needles with the patient intercourse and from mother to child in the womb

In patients infected with hepatitis, symptoms are divided into two phases: acute phase and chronic phase. It is found only in hepatitis B, C and D. Acute hepatitis patients will have fever, fatigue, loss of appetite, yellow eyes, jaundice, and blood abnormalities showing liver function. In patients with chronic hepatitis, there may be no symptoms or abnormalities in liver function. but may be detected by testing for antibodies or detecting viruses.

In addition, chronic hepatitis caused by viruses B and C can also cause inflammation in the liver. which leads to cirrhosis The same is true for cirrhosis patients from chronic alcohol consumption. Cirrhosis can lead to complications such as gastrointestinal bleeding. ascites abnormalities in the brain, kidney failure, and increase the chance of developing liver cancer many times more than normal people but in patients with hepatitis B Liver cancer may develop without the need for cirrhosis. In addition, patients with late stage cirrhosis have a higher risk of liver failure or decreased liver function and a higher risk of death.

Treatment is divided according to the type and stage of the disease. Hepatitis A is treated symptomatically. which almost all patients will be healed by themselves And most Thai people in adulthood are immune to infection. caused by childhood infections

Hepatitis B virus if infected by the mother while in the womb or in childhood. Chronic infections are more likely to occur when infected in adolescents or adults. The treatment can be divided into injectable and oral antiviral drugs. The results of treatment and the duration of treatment differ according to the type of treatment. Overall, the chances of being cured from chronic hepatitis are relatively low. This treatment will reduce the chances of developing liver cancer and slow or avoid cirrhosis.

Hepatitis C After exposure to the virus, 80% of patients develop chronic hepatitis C from hepatitis C. Chronic hepatitis C is more curable than chronic hepatitis B. chronic hepatitis C treatment In the past, it can be divided into Interferon use in combination with antiviral drugs and oral antiviral At present, oral antiretroviral therapy is mainly used, which takes about 3 months or 12 weeks. The results show that about 90% of the treatment is cured. Oral antiretroviral therapy is quite expensive. Patients with chronic hepatitis C who meet the criteria for treatment can be reimbursed according to their right to treatment, including the civil service welfare system. social security system and the national health insurance system

Asst. Prof. Dr. Pongpop Inthaprasong, MD.

gastrointestinal disease unit Department of Internal Medicine

Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital, Mahidol University

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