Kochavi in ​​a message to Lebanese residents: “Offers you to leave another first shot”

by time news

Chief of Staff, Major General Spring Stars, Hosted today (Sunday) the “First Israeli Conference on Home Front Preparedness”, and addressed the army’s readiness for the next war against Hezbollah, the change of attitude required and sent a message to the residents of Lebanon. The conference, which convened for the first time, dealt with the deployment of the home front and what the next war would look like.

The chief of staff referred to the fact that the firepower that the army will use in the upcoming war in the north of the country will be unprecedented, and sent a clear message to the Lebanese residents: “I suggest you leave before the first shot is fired – the intensity of the attack will be something you have not seen.”

He attacked Hezbollah, accusing it of turning Lebanon into a battlefield, referring to the organization’s use of civilian targets: Attaches weapons to civilian areas.

Kochavi emphasized the profound perceptual change that must be made in everything related to the Lebanese sector: “The concept of proportionality must change to relativity, between what we are obligated to do to protect our citizenship and what will cause the enemy, among other things, our attacks. There must be a profound perceptual change.”

He added: “Hezbollah, which is aiming its weapons at civilians, is an army of terrorism. The way it is deployed requires a paradigm shift for anyone involved in international law, assuming it wants to engage in present and not past wars.”

The chief of staff sent a strong message to the terrorist organization ahead of the next fight: “Anything related to rockets is a target for attack for us. “The IDF has a significant bank of targets for the next fight. Thousands of targets, not 2,000, nor 3,000, are much more.”

He also referred to the campaign that will take place in the Israeli home front: “We must speak honestly about the difficulty in the home front. There will be many missiles and rockets here, they will cause damage to property, and damage to life and expectations must be coordinated for this reality.”

He added: “There will not be 300 rockets a day, but much more, such a war will last a long time.

In addition, the Chief of Staff referred to the many efforts being made in the field of improving the army’s capabilities in everything related to rocket interception: “We have closed deals to increase the number of interceptors. We have closed deals for this increase with an emphasis on the Iron Dome, it is an improvement in the interception methods that is done all the time. “

He went on to expand on the subject: “Developing new types of interceptors, from the world of arrow and wand to Iron Dome, faster and more effective. We have put a significant amount on the laser, so it is advancing at a very high rate in recent years. National Defense. “

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