Kolydas explained “why the Alcyonian days last longer in Attica”

by time news

The meteorologist referred to the fact that the Alkyonide days last longer in Attica and are more easily felt.

The director of the National Meteorological Service (NMS), Thodoris Kolidas, made a post about the weather with reference to the Alcyonian days.

However, in his post, he also explained the reason why these days last longer in Attica.

His post

«Alkyonid days are defined as the “summer days” between December 16 and February 16, during which the minimum temperature does not fall below 4 degrees and the maximum exceeds 16 degrees Celsius.

On these days, in order to call them Alcyonides, the weather should “flow” with few clouds and the average wind speed should not exceed 6 knots, i.e. the average wind intensity should not exceed 2 Beaufort.

The behavior of Alkyonids is not the same throughout Greece. We would have the appearance of even more such days, if the minimum temperature criterion was not there. Thus, in some areas of the country we may have halcyon days and in others we may not.

However, in the Attica basin the Alcyonides usually last longer and are more easily felt. This happens because with the increase in temperature in the heart of winter, an anticyclonic circulation is created over Attica, i.e. a high pressure field is created, which “traps” the warm masses of the atmosphere in the same place for more days».

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