2024-04-10 18:41:33
BOLZANO. On the restrictions on heavy traffic in Austria “it will not be possible to achieve negotiations if each side waits for the other to abandon its position. To find one solution, we must not pose an ‘either/or’, but be open without placing conditions. Not only Salvini, but the other side also showed little elasticity. We must work hard to ensure that everyone gets to the negotiating table.” The president of the Province of Bolzano said this: Arno Kompatscherspeaking on a motion from the Green group of the provincial council which called for Alto Adige to side with Austria in the infringement procedure requested by the Italian government.
“We have always had understanding for measures that reduce traffic – Kompatscher continued – but Austria’s unilateral measures to the detriment of Bavaria and Alto Adige cannot be the solution. Extending the transit ban up to Salorno would only shift the problem to the Trentino and increasing tolls is not possible. The Province has proposed a environmental tollwhich is the maximum that can be implemented at European level, but the competence lies with the state.” The Greens’ motion was rejected.
2024-04-10 18:41:33