Konex Awards 2023: the 100 most outstanding personalities in Science and Technology

by time news

2023-05-08 23:00:37

Within the framework of Konex Awards 2023the list of the hundred personalities who stood out during the last decade in the field of science and technology. The delivery ceremony will take place on Tuesday, September 12 at Ciudad Cultural Konex and exceptionally includes the special category “Pandemic-Covid 19”which recognizes the struggle of professionals against the disease.

The list was presented by the president of the institution, doctor Luis Ovsejevich and the Grand Jury of the 2023 Konex Awards, chaired by Alberto Kornbliht (Konex Brilliant Award 2013) and is made up of 20 prominent figures.

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According to the methodology, one hundred outstanding personalities of the last decade (2013-2022) were designated in the area of ​​Science and Technology, selecting five for each of the 20 disciplines. Additionally, the “Pandemic-Covid 19” category was created, so this time there will be 21 and, in this sense, six professionals will be distinguished with the respective diplomas of merit.

The ceremony will take place on Tuesday, September 12, where 20 personalities will receive the Platinum Konex. The Grand Jury will select the most outstanding of all to be awarded the Konex of Brilliant, the highest award given by the Foundation. This act will take place on Tuesday, October 31.

Meanwhile, different special distinctions, Special Mentions to the Trajectory -for Dr. in Biochemistry Juan José Cazzulo and surgeon Juan Carlos Parodi- and the Konex of Honor to a prominent personality who died in the last decade.

Full list of awardees

1 – Mathematics

  • Alicia Dickenstein
  • Jorge Lauret
  • Ricardo Marona
  • Julio Rossi
  • Andrea Rotnitzky

2 – Physics and Astronomy

  • daniel de florian
  • Mary Teresa Dova
  • Gloria Dubner
  • Gustavo Romero
  • Damian Zanette

3 – Physicochemistry and Inorganic Chemistry

  • Marcelo Avena
  • Raul Carbonio
  • Fabio Doctorovich
  • Ezequiel Leiva
  • Marta Litter

4 – Organic Chemistry

  • Edgardo Durantini
  • Juan Bautista Rodriguez
  • Ariel Sarotti
  • charles stortz
  • Miriam Strumia

5 – Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

  • Ricardo Astini
  • Andres Folguera
  • Juan Otamendi
  • Celeste Saul
  • Carolina Vera

6 – Paleontology

  • Beatriz Aguirre Urreta
  • Zulma Brandoni de Gasparini
  • Fernando Novas
  • Diego Pol
  • Sergio Vizcaino

7 – Ecology and Environmental Sciences

  • Marcelo Aizen
  • Amy Austin
  • Jorge Casal
  • Sandra Diaz
  • Ricardo Villalba

8 – Biochemistry and Molecular and Cellular Biology

  • Beatriz Caputo
  • Diego de Mendoza
  • Marcelo Rubinstein
  • Alejandro Schinder
  • Alejandro Villa

9 – Microbiology and Immunology

  • Maria Cecilia Freire
  • Daniela Hozbor
  • Gabriel Rabinovich
  • Maria Eugenia Rodriguez
  • Norberto Zwirner

The Platinum and Brilliant Konex 2022 20220929 are already known

10 – Basic Biomedical Sciences

  • Jose Belizan
  • alfredo caceres
  • Marisa Colombo
  • Ana Belen Elgoyhen
  • Osvaldo Uchitel

11 – Internal Medicine

  • Sebastian Ameriso
  • Edward de Vito
  • Adrian Gadano
  • Gustavo Kusminsky
  • Jose Milei

12 – Surgery

  • Victoria Ardiles
  • Miguel Angel Ayerza
  • Mariano Gimenez
  • Gabriel Gondolesi
  • Ricardo Torres

13 – Public Health

  • Pedro Cahn
  • Raw Favio
  • Angela Gentile
  • Rudolph King
  • Mario Sebastiani

14 – Biotechnology

  • Raquel Chan
  • Walter Farina
  • Fernando Goldbaum
  • Hugo Menzella
  • Mary Elena Otegui

15 – Nanosciences and Analytical Chemistry

  • Vera Alvarez
  • Graciela Escandar
  • Héctor Goicoechea
  • Fernando Stefani
  • Robert Zysler

16 – Technological Development

  • Acts of Marcos Daniel
  • Monica Casella
  • Andrea Gamarnik
  • Andres Kreiner
  • Alberto Martin Ghiselli

17 – Agricultural and Food Sciences

  • Carlos Ballare
  • Maria Alejandra Garcia
  • Luke Garibaldi
  • Esteban Jobbágy
  • Naomi Zaritzky

18 – Engineering

  • Mirta Aranguren
  • Raul Bertero
  • Luis de Vedia
  • Silvia Goyanes
  • Ricardo Sanchez Pena

19 – Energy and Sustainability

  • Alberto Caneiro
  • Victoria Flexer
  • Fabiana Gennari
  • Abel Julio Gonzalez
  • sol pedre

20 – Information Sciences and Artificial Intelligence

  • Diego Fernandez Slezak
  • Pablo Goloboff
  • Maria Vanina Martinez
  • Gabriel Mindlin
  • Sebastian Uchitel

21 – Pandemia – COVID19

  • Jorge Aliaga
  • Elsa Baumeister
  • Juliana Cassataro
  • Humberto Debat
  • Jorge Geffner
  • Fernando PolakIn the last month, covid cases increased by 748%

special mentions:

  • ANLIS – Malbrán
  • CITES – Center for Technological, Business and Social Innovation
  • Y-TEC

Special Mentions for Trajectory:

  • Juan Jose Cazzulo
  • Juan Carlos Parodi

Honor Konex:

  • Edward Charreau
  • Christiane Dosne Pasqualini

The Unforgettable

Also, it has been decided to honor some personalities who died during the 2013-2022 decade with the Unforgettable category. Some had already received the Konex Award in previous editions. Is about: Patricia Alvarado, Alejandro Arvía, José La Torre, Arturo López Dávalos, Ángel Ramón Minguez, Elsa Moreno, Héctor Otheguy, Alberto Pignotti, Edmundo Ruveda y Elsa Safe.

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