Konstantinos Polychronopoulos: “They are sabotaging him” – His son-in-law “breaks” his silence

by time news

For about three 24 hours, the man who, as he claims, has distributed 18 million portions of food to people in need, has been in the midst of revelations.

The conclusion

The conclusion of the Money Laundering Authority states that Konstantinos Polychronopoulos and two of his relatives (his mother and son-in-law), illegally took at least 600,000 euros from donations to “The Other Man” and channeled them to gambling companies and withdrawals of cash.

The Authority froze the owner’s assets and accounts as well as those of his relatives.

“They formed, at least from January 2020 onwards, a group with continuous criminal activity and persuaded a large number of people to donate sums, falsely pretending that these would be allocated exclusively to a social non-profit through the social kitchen group ‘The Other Man’,” refers to the conclusion.

Konstantinos Polychronopoulos, from the first moment, denied what was attributed to him. His mother, for her part, claims that she lives with a pension of only 280 euros and that everything is a lie.

His son-in-law “breaks” his silence

For the first time since the scandal was made public, the son-in-law of Mr. Polychronopoulos and a volunteer in “Allo Anthropos”, “breaks” his silence and speaks to MEGA and the show “Pame Danae!” for the money found in his account.

“At some point, I did him a service, the man had an issue, I don’t know why, he knows that. At one point he used my card, entered an amount that, because I work in the municipality, I could not justify, and the bank called me. I don’t remember the amount, it’s been three years, but it was little if I’m not mistaken.

“I say ‘kids, this money isn’t mine, it’s for…someone else’.” ‘Who is the master’ they say to me, I say ‘so-and-so’. They say to me ‘can we communicate with him?’, I say ‘please’ and give them the phone, they talked. This man had put a number, a number there to collect some money, whoever wanted to put, to take the trucks to Turkey for the earthquake victims back then. I give him the phone, they talked and after 4 days, after the people were sure where the money was going, they told me Mr. Gitzi, come take the money and put it where it needs to be. That’s what I did and that was it. Then I also canceled the card, I don’t want to have such problems”.

As he says:

“I volunteered to help, I moved things. I just gave my account once to service it. I don’t believe in gambling at all, they just sabotage it, every man has his enemies. We haven’t communicated at all since what was heard. Why should I get involved? I didn’t steal, I didn’t play. I served. Of course, that was also my mistake, okay, because of trust.”

The volunteer in the Organization and son-in-law of its founder notes:

“I put my hand in the fire. This man has no second pair of pants, even the cigarettes in his pocket, he gave them away. That’s why I have my doubts. I wish there was another one like him. Not that he is my brother-in-law, but I wish there was another one like him.”

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