Korean company will be in charge of the Los Chorros Megaproject

by time news
Photo courtesy of an illustrative nature

In order to take one more step to start the construction of the Los Chorros megaproject, the Korean company, Dongbu Corporation will be the company in charge of executing the expansion of the Pan-American highway and the construction of the Francisco Morazán viaduct.

The project includes the viaduct that is expected to become the longest, highest and most complex in the country. In addition, there are 15 kilometers of highway that starts from kilometer 13 to 28, which would be expanding, from Las Delicias, Santa Tecla, to the old Poliedro, to eight lanes; and from old Poliedro to San Juan Opico, six lanes.

“This is a gigantic company. We are going to the contract signing stage, after that they present a guarantee bond for that contract”, explained the Minister of Public Works (MOP), Romeo Rodríguez.

The head of the MOP indicated that this project consists of doubling the Los Chorros highway, which begins in Las Delicias and will reach the detour to San Juan Opico where the overpass ends.

“There will be a large number of work fronts, more than 5,000 workers daily in the sector,” the official reported.

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