Korian signs a European protocol on health, safety, accident prevention

by time news

Sophie Boissard, Korian

The General Manager of the Korian group Sophie Boissard and Korian European Works Council Secretary Claude Vaussenat signed the first protocol of the sector at European level on health, safety and prevention of accidents at work. The protocol is the result of a year of activity of a dedicated working group within the European Works Council and concentrates the best practices observed in the various countries in which the Group operates, in compliance with local legal obligations relating to health and job security. The protocol it will be applied by the Directorates-General of each country and a European-level follow-up committee will meet twice a year to assess progress.

The protocol

“The signing of this protocol constitutes a fundamental step for the strengthening of the social dialogue at European level, started over two years ago with the creation of the European Works Council”, he has declared Federico Guidoni, CEO of Korian Italia. “In this way we demonstrate our willingness to strengthen an essential aspect of our Social Policy, always remaining focused on the health and better working conditions of our employees and thus satisfy our social responsibility as an employer. The quality of our services also feeds on the well-being of our workers. “.

“The working group, health and safety at work of the European Works Council has been working hard for over a year now, working together with the Directorate General on a concrete action plan”, he added Claude Vaussenat, secretary of the European Works Council.

Specifically, the protocol commits the counterparties to:

  • spread a culture of health and safety in the workplace throughout the Group making use of a team of experts in the prevention of Professional Risks active in the Group’s structures;
  • promoting sustainable solutions with the aim of improving working conditions in the field, thanks in particular to the use of suitable equipment and training;
  • make employees self-employed in taking charge of their health situation within the company;
  • carry out a professional risk assessment on a regular basis, guide action plans and define the sectors that need improvement interventions to allow for the evolution of practices;
  • to encourage people to stay in the company creating suitable tools to encourage internal reclassifications;
  • integrate the assessment of occupational risks in all construction or renovation projects, to give continuity to this approach.

Korian’s general management and the members of the European Works Council intend act proactively on the prevention of accidents at work. The emphasis is thus placed on the need for have a shared culture of health and safety at work which allows a greater awareness of the risks by the subjects involved at all levels (management, managers, employees, staff representatives), with the aim of significantly reducing the number of accidents related to employment.

The document is based on the Occupational Health and Safety Charter signed by the Group’s General Management in December 2019 and is part of the Occupational Health and Safety Agreement, of which it is the continuation and which was signed with all French trade unions in May. last.

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