Kovid is not a socially serious disease; Denmark lifts restrictions | ‘Covid-19 not a socially critical disease’: Denmark ends most pandemic restrictions

by time news

Copenhagen: The European Union (EU) is ready to lift the ban on Kovid. The move is based on Kovid’s assessment that it is not a socially serious disease.

Denmark lifted sanctions as the Omikron variant spread across the country. The Danish government says Omikron does not put too much pressure on the healthcare system. At the same time, Prime Minister Meta Frederickson said it was not clear at this time whether the Kovid restrictions would be lifted.

Do not think that you can say goodbye to restrictions one last time. The Danish Prime Minister added that restrictions may be imposed on the new Kovid variant. Kovid confirmed about 50,000 people a day in Denmark last week. However, the number of people admitted to the intensive care unit of hospitals is relatively low.

In addition to Denmark, Kovid lifted deregulation last week in England. Restrictions have been lifted, including making it mandatory to wear a mask. Ireland had similarly relaxed restrictions. The Netherlands is preparing to lift lockdown restrictions. Countries such as Finland, Serbia and Austria have also granted concessions.

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