KPÖ in Graz for more cooperation and respect in politics – politics –

by time news

The Graz KPÖ took stock after its election victory and initial talks with other parties on Friday. There was nothing new in terms of content, but there was a preference for the social, nursing / health and finance departments. Party leader Elke Kahr and the designated city councilors Robert Krotzer and Manfred Eber want to introduce a new style of respect and cooperation in the municipal council and city senate. Eber’s successor as head of the club is Christine Braunersreuther.

Kahr wished that Graz and its people would go in the direction that there is a great longing for: “A political style with more humanity, more empathy, more respect. It’s not about dividing people apart. We don’t want any exclusions, we want the greatest possible agreement “. This view is shared by all parties, Kahr reported.

She envisions, among other things, that all parties represented in the city senate and the clubs in the municipal council should be represented in all committees, advisory boards, companies and supervisory boards. “It needs the involvement of all parties. Many department heads and employees in administration would like that” logical departments “remain together, such as urban planning and public transport.

She was the first to meet the outgoing mayor Siegfried Nagl (ÖVP). “We have known each other for 18 years, on a personal level it was actually always respectful. We feel no malice or satisfaction, we know that an election defeat is bitter,” said the Graz KPÖ boss. She paid Nagl respect for his “hard work”.

In any case, the aim is to create a new culture in dealing with one another, and more towards social, labor market and climate policy goals. “We have the greatest overlap with the Greens and the SPÖ. But that will not surprise anyone. We have agreed in-depth discussions with everyone, including the Neo-ÖVP boss Kurt Hohensinner, the dates have already been made. We are of good cheer until the constituent meeting of the municipal council to move forward in mid-November. ” Keyword Hohennsinner: It is not about curtailing his departments, for these (including sports, social affairs, education) he is burned, it was said on journalists’ questions. Of course, you have the departments you want, but don’t complain about them in advance. The conversation with FPÖ boss Mario Eustacchio was normal and friendly, he appreciates the KPÖ as a colleague, but made a clear opposition announcement on the evening of the election: “It is also good when someone speaks clear words,” said Kahr.

According to Kahr, the question of the deputy mayor also depends on who signs the labor agreement targeted by the KPÖ, or also possible area agreements.

As in an APA interview at the beginning of the week, Kahr named more personnel in the social and living areas, as well as more resources, as future priorities. In addition, there would be property purchases and a more careful handling of land – this would be accompanied by the revision of the zoning plan in order to put a stop to the rapid development.

Furthermore, one advocates, among other things, a tram expansion and a fee and tariff freeze for a few years. The party funding is to be reduced in line with the strength, so that also applies to the KPÖ. And not so much has to be spent on representation either – you don’t need a city magazine (BIG, note) with only two faces (Nagl and Eustacchio, note), all GR parties should be present.

City councilor Krotzer said they had a number of plans: “We are literally bubbling over with ideas.” One point that must alert all parties is the turnout, which has fallen to around 50 percent. You are therefore making the offer to create more confidence in city politics. The beginning must be an honest dialogue with the citizens. “We also feel the desire for new beginnings and change in the other parties”.

The upcoming city council Eber said it was about respect, empathy and cooperation. “We can certainly manage to create a viable majority in the city senate and municipal council so that nothing stands in the way of a mayoress Kahr.” The two-person talks will continue next week, and nobody should be afraid. Graz should continue to be a good location for business, science and development.


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