Krayi in the attack on the refuseniks: “The people of Israel will manage without you – go to hell”

by time news

Minister of Communications Shlomo Karai This evening (Monday) he attacked the reserve refusers and wrote in a post he published: “To the brazen refusers, we say the article of Mordechai to Esther: ‘Profit and salvation will arise for the Jews from another place and your father’s house will be lost’… The people of Israel will manage without you and you will go to hell.”

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Later, he conveyed a message to the Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu And he wrote: ‘And Mordecai will not kneel or bow down’ – there are times when one must stand firm against the hegemony and the rulers in their own eyes. As for us, we will apply the continuation of the verse: ‘And who knows if at such a time you have come to the kingdom’ – the reform will move. At such a time we have reached the kingdom.”

Karai’s words were written after the president of the country claimed earlier today Yitzhak Herzog that there are advanced talks behind the scenes and that the parties are very close to reaching a settled agreement regarding the reform of the judicial system.

“The picture as it is right now, on the one hand – we are closer than ever to the possibility of an agreed outline,” explained Herzog, “there are agreements behind the scenes on most things. They are logical and reasonable. And on the other hand, now it depends on our national leadership, the coalition and the opposition to rise to the occasion That they understand the terrible alternative that the situation beyond the door has to offer and that they put the state and the citizens above everything else. And that they realize this founding constitutional moment that we are facing and can realize it.”

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