The latest polls in Russia show that shortly after the Ukrainian invasion of the Kursk region, Russian support for the war in Ukraine has not decreased and since 2022. remains high.
Levada Center, a Russian polling organization still considered relatively independent, on August 30. published the results of a monthly survey, which showed that approximately 78 percent of respondents support Russian military operations in Ukraine, up from 75 percent in July and 77 percent in June.
According to ISW analysts, polls by the Levada Center show that the lowest Russian support for the war in Ukraine was in 2022. in February, when 68 percent supported the war. respondents, and that from 2022 March support was never below 70 percent.
In August, the Levada Center also asked respondents about Ukraine’s invasion of the Kursk region and found that 91 percent. respondents are concerned about Ukraine’s military operations on Russian territory.
The Levada Center also reported that 57 percent respondents do not expect a second wave of mobilization, and 60 percent sees no need to carry out a second mobilization in the coming months.
“Polling data from the Levada Center show that the Kremlin’s refusal to fully bring Russian society to war and the Kremlin’s domestic information operations to normalize the war have so far reduced war fatigue in Russia, and that Ukraine’s invasion of the Kursk region has not changed this attitude,” ISW said. in the message.
US analysts emphasize that the Russian public “generally does not experience war fatigue, which likely gives the Kremlin flexibility in choosing a strategy for waging a protracted war of attrition against Ukraine.”
2024-09-02 11:21:12