Kremlin Spokesman Responds to Joe Biden’s Controversial Statement on Hamas and Putin

by time news

Title: Kremlin Responds to Biden’s Statement on Hamas and Putin, Calling it Unacceptable

Date: [Insert Date]

In a recent statement made by US President Joe Biden, where he drew a parallel between Hamas and Russian President Vladimir Putin, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov expressed his disapproval of the remarks, stating that it was “not acceptable on the mind.” Peskov criticized Biden, stating that such rhetoric was unfit for responsible leaders.

“Such rhetoric is not suitable for responsible leaders, and it is not acceptable to us,” Peskov emphasized. “We do not accept statements of this kind against Russia, or against President Putin.” Peskov refused to disclose who will be representing Russia at the upcoming political summit in Cairo, which will address the ongoing conflict.

During a press briefing, Peskov highlighted the perilous state of affairs, warning that once Israel enters the Gaza Strip, the threat to Russian citizens would significantly escalate. Consequently, the Russian Foreign Ministry issued an advisory, urging its citizens to refrain from traveling to Israel, Lebanon, Jordan, and the territories of the Palestinian Authority.

The connection between Israel and Ukraine was also addressed in President Biden’s remarks, promising aid to both countries, stating that it would ultimately benefit the United States. In a speech delivered to the American nation, Biden emphasized the need to combat the actions of Hamas and Putin.

“Hamas does not represent the Palestinians; its sole purpose is to destroy Israel. We will do what is necessary to ensure Israel can defend itself now and in the future,” the American president stated. “As early as tomorrow, I will ask Congress for special assistance for Israel. Prime Minister Netanyahu and I discussed the need to fight in accordance with international law. I am asking Congress to support Israel and Ukraine – it will pay off for us.”

President Biden’s statement was followed by a tweet on his X account (former Twitter), expressing determination to prevent organizations like Hamas and individuals like Putin from prevailing indefinitely.

The growing tensions between Israel and Gaza, coupled with the crisis in Ukraine, are unfolding as important global concerns. The world will be closely watching as actions are taken to address these pressing international issues.

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