“Kru Koi” wife of “James Ruangsak” recommends pregnant women should reduce sugar levels to reduce the risk of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).

by time news

Teacher Koi Natcha Loychusak science teacher wife “James Ruangsak Loychusak” After becoming a guru in pre-pregnancy preparation for infertile people It also provides knowledge to prepare for pregnancy for those who are infertile. Through the page https://www.facebook.com/BabyAndMom.co.th Recently, Kru Koi has suggested that women who are difficult to get pregnant should reduce sugar levels, reduce the risk of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Desserts and sweets are a menu that has been with Thai people for a long time. The hotter the weather, the more sweet desserts Or drinking cold sweet water would help me feel quite refreshed. Therefore, Thai people like to eat sweet until the record is sweet and consume 4 times more sugar than the World Health Organization (WHO) set for more than 6 teaspoons per day.

In addition, the body also receives sugar from white rice. and noodles and various noodle dishes Which is the main menu of Thai people already in the form of simple carbohydrates. The body converts simple carbs into sugars called “glucose” and is rapidly absorbed into the bloodstream. Combined with refined sugar (refined sugar) from sweets when you eat it. It is digested quickly by the body, resulting in an immediate rise in blood sugar levels, thereby making you feel refreshed and energized after eating, but are often hungry and are at risk of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. hormonal imbalance Including diseases related to the reproductive system, such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), resulting in not ovulation. Irregular menstruation Inferior egg cells and infertility

Teacher Koi Natchaprovide additional information that high blood sugar levels cause “hormone insulin” in the body higher than normal and at risk of “Insulin resistance” in which insulin levels in the body, if higher than normal, cause the ovaries to be stimulated and produced “Testosterone hormone” which is the main hormone in the testosterone group. In which women with high testosterone will cause hairy, oily face, acne prone, hair loss, etc., and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition with small cysts. or a large number of follicles clustered in multiple ovaries It may be found in both or one of the ovaries. This condition will result in a difficult pregnancy. because the eggs do not grow according to the criteria poor quality eggs and result in delayed or missed menstruation. According to statistics collected by the Office on Women’s Health, US Department of Health & Human Services, more than 5 million women worldwide suffer from PCOS. Infertility” At the same time, in Thailand, PCOS cases are found in up to 10% of women of childbearing age.

How does obesity make it difficult to stomach?
Obesity can cause the body to produce estrogen abnormally. especially the belly fat Because estrogen is produced from fat. when too much fat The production of estrogen that controls ovulation in females may be abnormal. resulting in no ovulation Menstrual periods are less missing menstruation According to the standard Asian body mass index, the normal standard is 18.5-22.9. The formula for calculation is “Body Mass Index or BMI = body weight (kg) / height (m) x height (m). If your BMI is less than 18.5 you are considered skinny, and if your BMI is greater than 24.9 you are obese.

“Kru Koi Natcha” advises those who are planning pregnancy and have Polycystic Ovary Syndrome-PCOS to absolutely refrain from being sweet. and control the weight to have a normal body mass index If you want sweetness, you should choose to eat. Natural sugars, vegetables, fruits, raw honey or dates, substitute for sweets, sugary drinks or soft drinks.

especially “Honey Chan Rong” It is a nutraceutical that provides antioxidants “Phenolic” (Phenolic) 5-10 times higher than conventional honey, helping to protect egg cells completely. According to recent research published in the journal Science Report in 2020, the reason why “Honey is good for diabetic patients” because honey has a special type of sugar. that is now found only in succulent honey It is not found in another food called trehalulose that does not result in acutely high blood sugar levels. It is also a sugar with a low glycemic index (Low Glycemic Index) and low insulin index (Low Insulinemic Index), so it is useful and safe sugar. It is also a sugar that does not cause tooth decay. (acariogenic) and also provides antioxidants (Antioxidant) is also high.

From the research report on “Antioxidant and antibacterial abilities of stalk honey” from the Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology 2018 found that stalk honey has higher antioxidant content and antioxidant activity than honeysuckle. many times It is rich in natural antioxidants such as Phenolic acid and flavonoid, which are 99.04±5.14 mg/ml and 17.67±0.75 mg/ml, respectively.

In addition, succulent honey also contains “Probiotics” (Probiotics) and “Prebiotics” (Prebiotics). The color characteristics of succulent honey and the sweet and sour taste are caused by natural fermentation from microorganisms that are beneficial to the intestines and uterus. anti-inflammatory (Anti-inflammatory) helps protect cells. boost immunity As a result, the body is not easy to get sick. It is a super food that is very popular in Brazil, Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia and Singapore, Malaysia. Especially in Malaysia, the honey is widely accepted for its medicinal properties to the point of being called “the mother medicine”.

part “Date Water” Rich in antioxidant polyphenol (polyphenol), which is very high, about 50.2mg/g, helps to enhance fertility in women. and contains phytosterols (phytosterols) and phytoestrogens (phytoestrogens) that help regulate the balance of estrogen in women as well as inhibit the degeneration of cells from free radicals as well. It is also high in iron and fiber. Women preparing to conceive should drink to increase their iron. prevent anemia It is also suitable for women who wear embryos because it helps in implantation of the embryo. and help reduce constipation It also contains feelguline to help nourish the sperm. For pregnant women should drink before giving birth. Date palm juice helps strengthen muscles, give birth easily, and also stimulates milk production. It is to prepare milk for the baby.

except “Don’t be sweet” then must focus on eating according to nutrition There are several studies that report on how nutrition can help treat PCOS. Teacher Koi gave an example of the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH Diet) diet that is effective in treating the symptoms of PCOS. PCOS helps balance hormones. and reduce inflammation Reduce the risk of insulin resistance which is the main cause of inflammation in the body and induce higher testosterone and also helps to control weight Which has a beneficial effect on the treatment of PCOS as follows:
focus on protein By opting for animal protein that is a good source of protein and is lean. Free from red meat accelerators, eggs, fish and chicken breasts, emphasizing plant-based proteins such as soybeans, almonds, black sesame, quinoa, pumpkin seeds, etc. such as eggs, fish meat, chicken breast or goat’s milk, etc.
Cut down on simple carbs, refrain from white rice, noodles, Kanom Jeen, and switch to complex carbs, such as brown rice, quinoa, and fertility-boosting grains such as almonds and flaxseed. and millet, poppy, pumpkin seeds, etc.
Eat Good Fatty Acids (HDL). The good fatty acids omega 3 and omega 6 are essential fats for hormone production and to help balance hormones. ovulation is normal It also helps eggs, found in marine fish, fish oil, avocados, grains such as poppy, flaxseed and almonds, pumpkin seeds, olive oil, safflower seed oil, etc.

Focus on antioxidants Help slow down the deterioration of various cells. including egg cells Foods that are high in antioxidants include berries, oranges, lemons, kaffir lime juice, fruits and vegetables such as kale, spinach, purple cabbage, tomatoes, beetroots, carrots, pomegranates, grains such as beans, sesame seeds, quinoa, and flaxseed.

In addition to adjusting a nutritional diet that can help treat polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), you should also get enough rest. Relieve stress and exercise regularly. Those who are preparing to become pregnant and have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can add Line. Ask for a schedule of food to prepare for pregnancy according to the “Scriptures that people who want to eat must eat” and get a free consultation at BabyAndMom.co.th Kru Koi Natcha concluded.

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