Kudrinka Kudrinova – fierce defender of Putin, joins the SEM, appointed by Rumen Radev (Obzor)

by times news cr

2024-09-03 09:04:36

Journalist Kudrinka Kudrinova became a member of the Council for Electronic Media from the quota of President Rumen Radev. She was appointed to replace Sonia Momchilova, whose mandate expired.

In the biography of the new member of the CEM, presented on the website of the presidency, it is written: Kudrinova is among the established international journalists in Bulgaria. She was born in Rome. She graduated from the Faculty of Journalism at SU “St. Cl. Ohridski”.

He has over 40 years of experience in the media. She worked in the newspapers “Narodna Vladjesh”, “Dialog”, “24 Chasa”, “Sega”, “Monitor”, was the deputy editor-in-chief of the magazine “Tema”, editor in the “Horizon” program of the BNR, a commentator in “Barricade” site. He is the author of several books.

She was the chairman of the Association of Spanish-speaking journalists in Bulgaria. He is a member of both unions – of Bulgarian journalists and writers. He is the winner of national and foreign journalistic and literary awards.

She was awarded the “Friendship” orders from Cuba and Vietnam and the Officer’s Cross of the Order of Civil Merit from Spain.

What else can be learned about Kudrinova in her Facebook profile?

She was born in Rome in 1958 because her father was sent as a sales representative there. He deserved his position before the people’s power, since he was a Remsist, a

his four brothers and his father were members of the partisan unit “Anton Ivanov”

Then he became the head of foreign trade companies, deputy minister, trade representative in Moscow, where Kudrinova studied until 1972. She tells touching stories from this school and how they watched the film “The Elusive Avengers” at least ten times, in which Bolshevik children take revenge on the White Guards. She’s probably been hard left ever since.

So much so that as a student at the Faculty of Journalism one summer

goes to Nicaragua to pick coffee in aid of the ultra-left movement

– The Sandinista Front for National Liberation. It has armed guerrilla units and in 1979 managed to overthrow Somoza, supported by the US.

Then he also learned Spanish so that he could better understand his idols Che Guevara, Fidel Castro, etc.

Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea are her favorites. Her father used to make trade deals with them.

In her Facebook profile, Kudrinova often writes that

September 9 and May 9 are sacred dates for her family

Every year on these dates, she publishes enthusiastic posts and a description of celebrations, which are also noted by the Russian ambassador Eleonora Mitrofanova. Appropriately, he also notes in his profile November 7 – the day of the Great October Socialist Revolution.

She is a staunch supporter of Putin and his invasion of Ukraine. He often writes comments on sites defined as progressive, which are often mentioned as mouthpieces of Kremlin propaganda in our country.

Since the election of Snezhana Todorova – Agent Violeta of the Sixth Directorate of the State Security Service, as the chairman of the SBZ, Kudrinka Kudrinova is the head of the union’s website. Todorova was in the initiative committee for the elevation of Rumen Radev to the presidency, where she was presented as the chairman of the SBZ. To the angry posts of members of the union on her behalf, Kudrinova replied that Todorova was in the committee in a personal capacity.

Kudrinka was also a frequent guest on Peter Volgin’s shows

– the current MEP from “Vazrazhdane”, in which he skillfully defended the positions of the Kremlin and Mitrofanova. Recently, he has written detailed comments on both the bad Israelis and the good Palestinians regarding the crisis in the Gaza Strip.

The appointment of Kudrinova caused a sharp reaction from the chairman of the DPS Delyan Peevski. “Radev’s decision to appoint to CEM a journalist with proven affiliation to the Russian regime and its interests over the years, with an attraction to the glorification of bright communist greatness and ideals of the Comintern around the world, is another gross provocation to freedom of speech and the media, to the basic democratic principles and values ​​and Euro-Atlantic affiliation of Bulgaria”, he stated in his position. And announced that the action of the head of state is

“a very alarming signal to Europe”,

which proclaims independence for media regulators.

“With this act, Radev grossly manifests his vassal dependence on Moscow and once again proves that for him power is an end in itself and subservience to foreign interests,” Peevski said.

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